How You Can Win by Shiv Khera?

You Can Win (English, Paperback, Khera Shiv) You Can Win: A Step By Step Tool For Top Achievers is a best-selling self-help book by motivational speaker Shiv Khera. Success is a hard commodity to obtain.

How many pages in You Can Win by Shiv Khera?

Shiv Khera-You Can Win (Paperback, Malayalam, SHIV KHERA)

Book Shiv Khera-You Can Win
Publishing Date 2002
Edition 15
Number of Pages 299

Is Shiv Khera an Indian?

Shiv Khera is an Indian author of self-help books and activist. While working in the United States, he was inspired by a lecture delivered by Norman Vincent Peale and followed his motivational teachings. Khera has written several books including You Can Win.

Who is Shiv Khera give a short description?

Khera was born in a business oriented family that operated coal mines, which were eventually nationalized by the Indian government. In his early years, he worked as a car washer, a life insurance agent, and a franchise operator before becoming a motivational speaker.

How many chapters in you can win?

It is divided into eleven chapters. The author begins by outlining the role of attitude in achieving success. He goes on to teach the reader how to build confidence by mastering positive thinking.

How many copies of you can win sold?

3 million copies
The milestone of a book, author Shiv Khera’s ‘You Can Win’ has sold a landmark 3 million copies globally. The book has been highly applauded in India and internationally as one that inspires and encourages people, making them realize their true potential.

How many chapters in the book you can win?

What kind of book is you can win?

Self-help bookJeet Aapki / Genre

What caste is Khera?

Khera (Punjabi: ਖੇੜਾ / ਖੈਰਾ / ਖੈਹਰਾ; Hindi: खेरा / खैरा) is an Asian surname, primarily used by the Punjabis from India. The surname Khera is found among the Jatt and khatris communities.

How much does Shiv Khera cost?

On an average, Khera charges Rs 3.75 lakh-Rs 5 lakh per session.

Who Authorised the book of you can win?

Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, V.P. Singh Badnore on Wednesday launched a book “You Can Achieve More” authored by an internationally acclaimed educator and a motivational speaker and an author of many bestsellers like “You Can Win”, Shiv Khera’s latest book, here at Punjab Raj Bhawan.

How do you win by Shiv Khera summary?

You Can Win Summary motivates people and take things right from your daily life and turns them into positive thrust. This book is for those who pursue balanced personality and who want to move towards success with positivity.