How would you describe Magellan voyage?

In search of fame and fortune, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480-1521) set out from Spain in 1519 with a fleet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.

What is the purpose of Magellan’s voyage in the Philippines?

The Philippines Though the stated goal of Magellan’s expedition was to find a passage through South America to the Moluccas, and return to Spain laden with spices, at this point in the journey, Magellan seemed to acquire a zeal for converting the local tribes to Christianity.

What is the significance of Magellan’s first voyage?

Magellan’s voyage is important, because it was the first to circumnavigate the globe and led to the formation of the International Date Line.

What is the valuable lesson you gained from Magellan’s voyage?

Magellan’s emotional intelligence during these events shows at the same time his ability for self-restraint and great authority, and most importantly when and how to use each one. This is a valuable lesson of empathy, leadership, strength, and soft power.

What have you learned from Magellan’s voyage around the world?

The voyage contributed to Europeans’ knowledge of the universe and has marked the worlds of space exploration and astronomy to this day. While crossing the Magellan Strait, the explorer and his crew observed two galaxies visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere, now known as the Magellanic Clouds.

What is the importance of first voyage around the world?

It opened doors in the places where they passed, where people, ideas and goods were coming and going. It established commercial contacts between East and West that remained for centuries. Also, it promoted the exchange of multiple sorts of experiences (scientific, cultural, religious…).

Who discovered the Philippines first?

Ferdinand Magellan
The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of Spain. They were then called Las Felipinas.

Who gave the name Philippines?

The Philippines was named after Prince Philip (later King Philip II) of Spain, by the Spanish explorer Ruy Lopez de Villalobos during his 1542-1546 expedition to the islands.

What is your understanding about the first voyage around the world?

The Magellan Route is the trail of the First Voyage Around the World. It is a universal and global road because its itinerary is developed throughout the main oceans and all the continents in both planet hemispheres.

What are the significant events that happened during the first voyage of Magellan?

Timeline: Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage

  • 26 September 1519: A supply crisis.
  • December 1519: Tensions rise.
  • October 1520: Mutineers strike.
  • November 1520: Into the Pacific.
  • March 1521: Land at last.
  • 27 April 1521: Magellan is slain.
  • November 1521: A new commander.
  • December 1521: Elcano heads home.