How would I know if I had an ulcer in my stomach?

The most common symptom of a stomach ulcer is a burning or gnawing pain in the centre of the tummy (abdomen). But stomach ulcers aren’t always painful and some people may experience other symptoms, such as indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux and feeling sick.

What are 2 symptoms of an ulcer?

Common ulcer symptoms include:

  • Discomfort between meals or during the night (duodenal ulcer)
  • Discomfort when you eat or drink (gastric ulcer)
  • Stomach pain that wakes you up at night.
  • Feel full fast.
  • Bloating, burning or dull pain in your stomach.
  • Comes and goes days or weeks at a time.

What does an ulcer feel like in your stomach?

The classic symptoms of peptic ulcers are stomach pain and indigestion. Ulcer pain feels like burning or gnawing inside your stomach, which is between your breastbone and your belly button. It may improve temporarily when you eat or drink or when you take an antacid, medication to reduce stomach acid.

What causes stomach ulcer symptoms male?

Most stomach ulcers are caused by infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium or anti-inflammatory medication, not stress or poor diet as once thought. Treatment options include antibiotics and acid-suppressing medications.

What does your poop look like if you have an ulcer?

Symptoms Besides Pain You may get a queasy feeling or a need to throw up. You could burp more than normal or feel bloated. You may also have black stools or see blood when you poop. Some people with stomach ulcers don’t feel like eating and lose weight without trying.

Where is the ulcer pain located?

Stomach ulcer pain usually begins in the upper middle part of the abdomen, above the belly button and below the breastbone. The pain may feel like burning or gnawing that may go through to the back. The onset of the pain may occur several hours after a meal when the stomach is empty.

Is water good for ulcers?

Drinking and Eating With an Ulcer Plain water is the best choice. Meal timing might also make a difference. Some patients have reported a reduction in pain if they skip between-meal snacks, because eating less often reduces the amount of stomach acid produced throughout the day. Less stomach acid means less irritation.

Is drinking water good for ulcers?

Where does ulcer pain hurt?

The most common ulcer symptom is a dull or burning pain in your belly between your breastbone and your belly button (navel). This pain often occurs around meal times and may wake you up at night. It can last from a few minutes to a few hours.