How to use the word remainder?
How to use the word remainder?
1 : a group or part that is left She took the remainder of the cake. 2 : the number left after a subtraction 5 minus 3 leaves a remainder of 2. 3 : the number left over from the dividend after division that is less than the divisor 10 divided by 3 leaves 3 with a remainder of 1.
What is a good sentence for remainder?
1. He gulped down the remainder of his coffee. 2. They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop.
Which is quotient and remainder?
3.1 Quotients and Remainders The number of times we have subtracted is called the quotient (of the division of by ) The number that is leftover from after subtracting as often as possible is called the remainder (of the division of by ).
What is the AL register?
The least significant byte of AX can be used as a single 8-bit register called AL, while the most significant byte of AX can be used as a single 8-bit register called AH. These names refer to the same physical register.
Is it Remainer or remainder?
Both terms can be used as nouns. “Remaining,” as a noun, is an act by which someone or something remains. For instance, in the sentence “The remaining of two natures makes his acts questionable,” “remaining” is the noun. “Remainder,” used as a noun, is the part or parts that are left when something is removed.
What is called remainder?
Remainder is the value left after the division. If a number (dividend) is not completely divisible by another number (divisor) then we are left with a value once the division is done. This value is called the remainder. For example, 10 is not exactly divided by 3.
What do you mean by remainder?
something that remains or is left: the remainder of the day. a remaining part. Arithmetic. the quantity that remains after subtraction. the portion of the dividend that is not evenly divisible by the divisor.
What is a remainder in division?
What is BX register?
BX – This is the base register. It is of 16 bits and is divided into two 8-bit registers BH and BL to also perform 8-bit instructions. It is used to store the value of the offset.
What is SS register?
The stack segment register (SS) is usually used to store information about the memory segment that stores the call stack of currently executed program. SP points to current stack top. By default, the stack grows downward in memory, so newer values are placed at lower memory addresses.
What’s a synonym for remainder?
OTHER WORDS FOR remainder 1 residuum, remnant, excess, rest, overage. See synonyms for remainder on