How to unlock Trading Post wow?

Trading Post, Level 3 is unlocked by Savage Friends, reaching Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation.

How to get Trading Post Level 3?

Garrison Blueprint: Trading Post, Level 3 can only be bought once it is unlocked by getting the achievement Savage Friends, reaching Exalted with 3 Draenor reputations. Level 3 gives an account-wide 20% increase with all factions in Draenor, making this especially useful for leveling alts.

Where do I turn in Outpost Building Assembly notes?

Kinkade Jakobs is the alliance Blueprints Trader that will trade you a Medium or Small plot Level 2 Garrison Blueprint for your assembly notes. She is located right beside the flight master in Stormshield.

How do I upgrade my garrison to Level 3?

Garrison Levels

  1. You can upgrade your Garrison to Level 2 on completion of the questlines culminating Bigger is Better/ Bigger is Better. Visit Quick Facts on those quest pages for a list of related quests.
  2. Leveling your Garrison to level 3 requires you to be level 40 and costs 5,000 and 2000.

How do you get to the Black Market Auction House in Shadowlands?

In order to access the Black Market Auction House post-Shadowlands release your character needs to talk to Provisioner Drako in order to pick up a quest “The Night Market” and start a short questline which will then let you conduct business with Ta’xera.

How long do Black Market auctions last?

“Long” is 2-12 hours. The auctions tend to end around 8-9pm server time but the more bids it has the more time is added. The stuff listed each day is random, so if you miss this one you will just have to keep checking.

How do I get salvage yard blueprints?

You can obtain the quest to get this blueprint in two ways, starting at level 96:

  1. From your garrison: Pinchwhistle Gearworks.
  2. From the Pinchwhistle Gearworks in Spires of Arak: Pinchwhistle Gearworks.

Where is the comprehensive outpost construction guide?

As of now, you will only be able to obtain two copies of this book per character through normal questing. One from Fort questline in Talador, and one from Nagrand questline.

How do you get the trading post Level 2?

The Trading Post, Level 1 is available as soon as you build you build your Town Hall, Level 2. 2.2. Garrison Blueprint: Trading Post, Level 2 is sold by the blueprint vendor at your Garrison once you reach level 98 or once you complete your Spires of Arak Outpost. You can buy it with 1,000 .

What can you do with a trading post in Wow?

The Trading Post is a Medium Garrison building that allows you to trade crafting reagents for Garrison Resources and to trade Garrison Resources for crafting reagents. It also unlocks the Sha’tari Defense (Alliance) and Laughing Skull (Horde) factions. Finally, you can build an auctioneer in your Trading Post.

Where can I buy a trading post in Destiny 2?

Garrison Blueprint: Trading Post, Level 2 is sold by the blueprint vendor at your Garrison once you reach level 98 or once you complete your Spires of Arak Outpost. You can buy it with 1,000 .