How to get Mariner Cloth ffxiv?

How to get the Mariner Cotton Cloth in Final Fantasy XIV

  1. Bluefog – Northern Thanalan.
  2. Riversmeet – Coerthas Western Highlands.
  3. Quarterstone – Western La Noscea.
  4. The Bramble Patch – East Shroud.
  5. The Gods’ Grip – Lower La Noscea.
  6. The Silver Bazaar – Western Thanalan.

What is Mariner cloth?

Mariner Cloth is a wonderful substrate: a small woven stripe with a lot of texture in a super group of colors. The accent line within the main cloth is a bit raised, making it a really cool texture. The patchwork possibilities are exciting, as well as applications for garments and bags.

How do you make taffeta cloth?

To get Taffeta Cloth, FFXIV players must have their Retainers embark on Exploration Ventures, special missions that take 18 real-world hours to complete. After a Retainer finishes their Venture, they will receive a certain amount of XP and present the player with a random item.

Where can I find Arachne Web?

This Vault is located just South-East of The Archives on the border to Eternal Spring, and is guarded by a Spearman, two Gorgons and two Shieldmen.

How do you farm Mariner cotton cloth?

While items such as the Tyrannosaur Horn require the player to spend hours in Eureka, among other Eureka-exclusive items, players will have to find Boarskin Leather Maps scattered across Eorzea to have a chance to treasure hunt for a piece of Mariner Cotton Cloth.

Where can I buy Thavnairian silk?


  1. Hagoromo Koi.
  2. Hagoromo Bijin.

How do I get Thavnairian Scalepowder?

They can be bought from Auriana at Revenant’s Toll, or Hismena at Idyllshire. After that, the process is the same: purchase four units of the Scalepowder, then take them back to Gerolt at Gangos for your weapon.

How many Thavnairian Scalepowders are there?

Thankfully, if you’ve been keeping up with your daily roulettes and duties, the fee shouldn’t be too steep. From this point on, you can purchase one unit of Thavnairian Scalepowder for 250 Tomestones of Poetics each. They can be bought from Auriana at Revenant’s Toll, or Hismena at Idyllshire.

How do you upgrade curtana Zenith?

Each costs 20 Tomestones of Poetics, making a total of 60 tomestones spent per relic. After this, the player must visit the North Shroud Furnace by Gerolt, and merge them with the base form weapon (the Curtana and Holy Shield require two mists and one mist respectively). This will upgrade to Zenith.