How the provident fund is calculated?

The employee contributes 12 percent of his or her basic salary along with the Dearness Allowance every month to the EPF account. For example: If the basic salary is Rs. 15,000 per month, the employee contribution shall be 12 % of 15000, which comes to Rs 1800/-. This amount is the employee contribution.

How is PF calculated on salary 2021?

Employee contribution to EPF: 12% of salary. Employer contribution to EPF: 3.67% of salary. Employer contribution to EPS: 8.33% of salary subject to a ceiling of Rs. 15,000 salary, i.e. Rs.

What is basic salary for PF calculation?

1st method – In this method, the employee contribution is 12% of the basic and dearness allowance of the employee and employer contribution is 12% of basic pay = 8.33% of 15,0000. 2nd method – In this method, the employee contribution is same while employer share is 3.67% of 15,000.

Is PF calculated on basic salary or gross salary?

You and your employer need to transfer 10% or 12% of your basic salary to contribute towards EPF. However, if you are a woman, you only need to contribute 8% of your basic salary for the first three years. During this period, your employer’s EPF contribution will remain 12%.

How is ESI and PF calculated?

Just like the ESI scheme, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is a Contributory fund with contributions from both the employee and their employers….Details of EPF.

Employee Employer>
Total Contribution 12,000 * 12% = Rs 1,440 12,000 * 12% = Rs 1,440
EPS 0 12,000 * 8.33% = Rs 999.60
EPF Rs 1,440 12,000 * 3.67% = Rs 440.40

What is the percentage of PF in salary?

Is PF calculated on gross salary?

Gross Salary is employee provident fund (EPF) and gratuity subtracted from the Cost to Company (CTC). To put it in simpler terms, Gross Salary is the amount paid before deduction of taxes or other deductions and is inclusive of bonuses, over-time pay, holiday pay, and other differentials.

How is Provident Fund calculated in Excel?

Lets say your salary (Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance) = Rs 50,000 per month. Now following are the contributions made by you (employee) and the employer: Employee’s contribution towards EPF = 12% of Rs 50,000 = Rs 6000. Employer’s contribution towards EPS = 8.33% of Rs 50,000 = Rs 4165.

What is current PF limit for salary?

To widen the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) coverage, the labour ministry is likely to raise the wage ceiling for mandatory EPF benefit to Rs 21,000 a month from Rs 15,000 now.

Is PF always 12 of basic salary?

According to regulations, employees and employer contribute 12% of the basic monthly salary to the EPF.