How should I dress for Phantom of the opera?

You can dress up just like the Phantom by wearing White Half Mask, Black Long Tail Tuxedo, White Tuxedo Shirt, White Bow Tie, Black Dress Shoes, Hair Gel for a little hair fix, and Plastic Candle as props to set the scene.

What costume does the phantom wear to the masquerade ball in the Phantom of the Opera?

The Red Death Costume
The Red Death Costume Worn by the Phantom as his costume for the masquerade, the Red Death is loosely based on Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death”.

What does Christine wear in Phantom of the opera?

Movie Version. In the movie, Christine’s “dressing gown” is more like lingerie. It consists of a sheer dress with a high slit, a white corset, and a white robe with ruffles and pink sequins. It has been suggested that the corset she wears with the dressing gown is the same corset she wore with her “Think of Me” dress.

How many costumes are in Phantom of the opera?

230 costumes
The Phantom of the Opera has over 230 costumes in the show depending on the cast at the time, all of which require a lot of specific attention and upkeep.

What type of hat does the phantom wear?

The Phantom’s Suit & Cloak This costume is normally worn with the Phantom’s iconic fedora.

Why does the phantom wear half a mask?

A fan-made replica of Winslow’s helmet In Brian De Palma’s Phantom of the Paradise, Winslow Leach becomes the Phantom after getting his face caught in a record press that mutilates half of his face and renders his right eye useless as a result. Winslow hides his scarred face with a silver owl-themed helmet/mask.

Why is Christine afraid of the Phantom?

When Christine saw the Phantom’s true form as a masked man, she was surprised at first, then scared after seeing his true face. The Phantom was consumed by jealousy when he found out about her relationship with Raoul, and demanded her to stay with him and be his wife after her next big performance.

What did the Phantom wear?

At the masked ball, he wears a simple skull mask with his Red Death costume.

Does Phantom of the opera wear a cape?

In almost every version of “The Phantom of the Opera,” the phantom is seen in an opera cape that he can pull around himself to conceal himself in darkness. An opera cape will also help conceal any lack of detail in the rest of your costume.

Does the Phantom wear a wig?

This Phantom, like the original novel, was deformed at birth, and made this mask himself out of what appears to be a fine, shiny porcelain. In the Joel Schumacher film adaption, the mask is made of leather. The Phantom also wears a wig with this mask, as his actual hair is a few white wisps on his balding head.