How serious is an L5 fracture?

L5 Vertebra Fracture Lawyers. A fracture of the fifth lumbar vertebrae is called an L5 fracture or L5 vertebra fracture. Any vertebrae fracture is a serious injury that necessitates immediate medical attention and evaluation.

How long does it take for an L5 fracture to heal?

Vertebral fractures usually take about three months to fully heal. X-rays will probably be taken monthly to check on the healing progress.

How is a fractured L5 treated?

Medical Treatment Most fractures are treated with immobilization in a brace or corset for up to 12 weeks. Bracing helps to reduce pain and prevent deformity.

Is a lumbar vertebrae fracture life threatening?

Neurologic problems that are the result of a spinal fracture can be devastating and life threatening. Spinal fractures that involve damage to the spinal cord often include serious neurologic injury.

What does L5 vertebrae control?

The L5 myotome is a group of muscles controlled by the L5 spinal nerve and includes specific muscles in the pelvis and legs, which are responsible for leg and foot movements.

How long can you live with a compression fracture?

The survival rates following a fracture diagnosis, as estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method, were 53.9%, 30.9%, and 10.5% at three, five, and seven years, respectively, which were consistently and significantly lower than the rates for the controls.

Can you fully recover from a compression fracture?

Many spine compression fractures heal in two or three months. If you have osteoporosis, a full recovery may take as long as a year. Regular follow-up visits during this time allow your doctor to evaluate the fractured vertebra and the way your spine is responding to the injury.

How do you rehab a fractured vertebrae?

It may take weeks or months for a spinal compression fracture to heal….During the healing process, your doctor may recommend that you:

  1. Wear a back brace.
  2. Take bone-healing medications.
  3. Reduce your overall activity level for a short time.
  4. Avoid intense activities, depending on the severity of the fracture.

Is compression fracture fatal?

Over time, some patients with severe VCFs may be at increased risk for serious—even fatal—pulmonary complications. This is because the abnormal forward curve of the spine can compress your chest cavity, making it difficult to breathe.