How prestigious is Phi Kappa Phi?

Highly Selective Membership Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is a stamp of excellence offered to the top 7.5% of second-semester juniors and top 10% of seniors and graduate students.

What GPA do you need for Phi Kappa Phi?

Both require superior scholarship and good character as criteria for membership. Seniors: Departments may nominate up to 7.5 percent of seniors of exceptional academic quality, of good character, and with a minimum grade point average (g.p.a.) of 3.5 and a class ranking in the top 10 percent.

How much does it cost to join Phi Kappa Phi?

As a new Phi Kappa Phi member, the candidate will pay certain national and chapter fees. The national portion, which starts at $65, pays for your pin, a certificate, and one year of national dues.

Who was in Phi Kappa Phi?

Notable people who have contributed to The Phi Kappa Phi Forum include Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, Edward Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, Sr., Newt Gingrich, Myrlie Evers-Williams, Michael Dukakis, Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, Annette Kolodny, Warren E. Burger, Ellis Marsalis, Jr., and Molefi Kete Asante.

How do you put Phi Kappa Phi on a resume?

Step by step:

  1. Create an education section.
  2. List your college, its location, and your graduation year.
  3. Add your degree(s), including majors and minors.
  4. Add your GPA (optional).
  5. Create an Honors subsection. Include Phi Beta Kappa.
  6. Add any other honors (if adding Latin honors, use lowercase and italic font).

How do you get nominated for Phi Kappa Phi?

Phi Kappa Phi membership is earned. Admission is invitation-only and requires nomination approval by a chapter. Requirements include: Juniors must have completed at least 72 credit hours, with at least 24 semester hours at their current institution, and rank in the top 7.5 percent of their class.

How do you put Phi Kappa Phi on a résumé?

What is the highest honor society in college?

Nationally Recognized Honor Societies

  • Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society.
  • Phi Kappa Phi is the oldest, largest, most selective collegiate honors society for all academic disciplines.

Is Phi Kappa Phi worth it for graduate students?

It is definitely worth considering mambership, though. There are usually opportunities for members to be active in leadership roles at local,national, and international levels. If you hold such a position, it may influence admissions or hiring decisions, and it certainly won’t hurt your chances.

What is a Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship?

According to the website of the National Association of Fellowships Advisors, “The multidisciplinary nature of Phi Kappa Phi is reflected in its Fellowship and Award of Excellence recipients. Awardees represent a variety of fields including biology, chemistry, engineering, political science, mathematics and psychology.

Who has contributed to the Phi Kappa Phi Forum?

Notable people who have contributed to The Phi Kappa Phi Forum include Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, Edward Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, Sr., Newt Gingrich, Myrlie Evers-Williams, Michael Dukakis, Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, Annette Kolodny, Warren E. Burger, Ellis Marsalis, Jr., and Molefi Kete Asante.

How many members does Phi Kappa Phi have?

Since its founding, Phi Kappa Phi has initiated more than 1.5 million members into its ranks; all of these members have received emblems and certificates of membership. However, Phi Kappa Phi is much more than an emblem and a line on résumé.

What is the history of Phi Kappa Phi?

Urann graduated in 1897, and leadership of Phi Kappa Phi was assumed by President Harris. A year or so later, the name was changed to the Morrill Society, in honor of the sponsor of the Congressional Act which provided for land-grant universities.