How old is the Indonesian smoking baby?
How old is the Indonesian smoking baby?
Indonesia’s famous two packs a day two-year-old Aldi Rizal is all grown up. He’s kicked the smoking habit and taken up a new one. Six years after two-year-old Aldi started sneaking ciggies while his mother sold fish at the market, Fairfax Media tracked him down in the remote village of Teluk Kemang in South Sumatra.
What happens to babies whose mothers smoke?
Babies whose mothers smoke are about three times more likely to die from SIDS. Babies whose mothers smoke while pregnant or who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth have weaker lungs than other babies, which increases the risk for many health problems.
How do you deal with a smokers newborn?
Protecting your baby from smoke Any smoker (including you, if you smoke) should smoke only outside, away from windows and doors. If you wear a jacket or sweatshirt while smoking, take it off before holding the baby. Never let anyone smoke around the baby. And never take the baby into an area where people are smoking.
Who is the youngest person in the world to smoke?
In today’s day and age, when smoking is considered to be really uncool, a two-year-old kid has taken up smoking. The boy from Tianjin city in China is the world’s youngest smoker. According to Liangliang’s dad, Liangliang was born with hernia, and being too young for an operation, has been introduced to smoking.
How old is the youngest smoker?
A two-year-old Chinese boy is thought to be the world’s youngest smoker. Tong Liangliang was taught how to light up by his father, who believed the habit would alleviate pain caused by a hernia.
Why does smoking increase SIDS?
How does smoking increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome? Some of the chemicals in tobacco smoke 9, 10 alter the development of an infant’s brain and the lungs. This in turn affects how an infant breathes and may be responsible for SIDS.