How old is Tessa in after we fell?

18 years old
In the first movie, After, Tessa is 18 years old as she starts her first year of college as a freshman, while Hardin is a year older than her. After We Collided sees the couple through the same school year, however, we do see Tessa celebrate her birthday in the film.

What happens in after ever happy?

The After Ever Happy novel sees Hardin and Tessa deal with the aftermath of what happens at the end of After We Fell. In the books, Hardin goes downhill after discovering who his real dad is, and breaks up with Tessa. Tessa leaves London on her own and plans to move on with her life.

Do Tessa and Hardin end up together?

After a multitude of tragedy, chaos, and heartbreak, Tessa ends her relationship with Hardin. She proposed that the two take some time apart to grow individually and recover from their loss and pain. Proceeding this, she reconciled with her mother then spontaneously moved to New York with Landon.

What happens in after we fell?

After We Fell starts with Tessa taking in her father to stay with her, much to Hardin’s disapproval. Then tension runs deeper between the couple when Hardin finds out Tessa is planning to move to Seattle just a week before it’s about to happen.

Does Tess get pregnant in After We Fell?

Do Hardin and Tessa have a baby? Two years after graduating NYU, Hardin and Tessa fall pregnant after trying for quite some time and even sadly suffering a miscarriage. After welcoming a miracle baby girl they welcome a baby boy six years later – who would have thought Hardin would be a parent to two kids!?

What did Steph and Dan do to Tessa?

Together Steph and Dan drug Tessa and try to film Dan having sex with Tessa to get back at both Hardin and Tessa. Soon before the rape could begin, Molly barges in and tells Steph she has gone too far.

Who is Kimberly to Tessa After We Fell?

Kimberly Vance is a fictional character in the After novel series written by Anna Todd. She is the wife of Christan Vance, the mother of Karina Vance, the close friend and former boss of Tessa Young, and step-mother of Hardin Scott. In the film series, Kimberly is portrayed by Candice King and Arielle Kebbel.

Do Hardin and Tessa have a baby in After We Fell?

Two years after graduating NYU, Hardin and Tessa fall pregnant after trying for quite some time and even sadly suffering a miscarriage. After welcoming a miracle baby girl they welcome a baby boy six years later – who would have thought Hardin would be a parent to two kids!?

Did Hardin and Tessa ever get married?

Nope, Tessa does not get married to Hardin nor Trevor in After We Collided. There is a proposal scene, though, in which Hardin watches as he thinks about Tessa. Kimberley, Tessa’s boss, and Christian Vance, the CEO of the company she works at, get engaged.