How old is MML?

MML Investors Services, registered in 1993, serves 50 state(s) with a licensed staff of 5,681 advisors. MML Investors Services manages $49.0 billion and provides investment advisory services for 250,234 clients (1:45 advisor/client ratio).

Does Old Mutual still exist?

Old Mutual acquired a major shareholding in the newly formed Mutual & Federal in 1970, acquiring the remaining shares in 2009. Mutual & Federal was renamed as Old Mutual Insure on 5 June 2017, and is now a part of the Old Mutual Emerging Markets business.

What do Old Mutual Wealth do?

Old Mutual Wealth provides you with access to its investment platform. It is an innovative way to manage investments. It provides access to around 1,100 funds together with a range of tax-efficient investment vehicles known as “wrappers” to hold these funds, within a single consolidated portfolio.

Is there an Old Mutual Wealth app?

You can digitally approve or decline transactions initiated by your Financial Planner. You have daily access to market commentary and insights via the app. We are continually making the Old Mutual Wealth app a fully-featured mobile solution and adding more functionality.

Who owns MML Investors?

MassMutual Holding LLC
Overview of MML Investors Services, LLC The firm started doing business in 1981 and registered as an investment advisor in 1993. The company is owned by MassMutual Holding LLC, which is owned by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). The firm has nearly 8,000 employees, not including clerical works.

Who owns MML Capital?

MML Capital has expanded successfully over the last 15 years is now a multi-strategy private equity investor run and co-owned by CEOs Bal Johal and Ian Wallis and Chaired by Rory Brooks the original founder.

Who has taken over Old Mutual Wealth?

the Quilter Group
Quilter’s UK investment platform Old Mutual Wealth has completed its rebrand to Quilter. This rebrand follows the renaming of other companies within the Quilter Group over the past few years.

Who took over Old Mutual Wealth?

Old Mutual Wealth Life Assurance became ReAssure Life Limited on 13 June 2020, following its acquisition by the ReAssure group at the end of last year. The business will operate under the customer-facing brand ReAssure.

How can I check my Old Mutual investment balance?

Simply dial *120*OMSA# or *120*6672#. Using this service is free for customers.

What does MML stand for?


Acronym Definition
MML Modern and Medieval Languages
MML Mayo Medical Laboratories
MML Material Measurement Laboratory (US National Institute of Standards and Technology)
MML Man to Machine Language

How many advisors does MassMutual have?

With more than 7,600 financial professionals available across the nation and 4,500 on, we’re committed to helping you secure your future. Find a financial professional near you. Choose your state. There are no MassMutual Financial Professionals currently located in this state.