How old is Eiko Carol?

7 Eiko Carol She learns some great spells that Garnet cannot, including the ultimate White Magic attack, Holy. A precocious six-year-old, Eiko was born in March 1793 and is four feet tall.

What race is Eiko?

“Eiko” is a common Japanese female name meaning “prosperous child”.

How does Vivi learn doomsday?

Vivi can use the Black Magic spell Doomsday, learned from his ultimate staff, Mace of Zeus. Clusters of asteroids and meteoroids gather in space to create a meteorite, which enters the atmosphere, colliding with the enemy and the surrounding area. It does a large amount of Shadow damage to the enemies and the party.

Where is the mace of Zeus ff9?

Final Fantasy IX The Mace of Zeus can be found in Memoria, in the top-left corner of the Stairs room. Obtaining it yields The Ultimate Mace achievement/trophy in the versions that support an achievements system.

How tall is Beatrix ff9?

2.4″ tall
Freya stands at 3.7″ tall, while Beatrix stands at 2.4″ tall. Each includes interchangeable portraits, multiple interchangeable hands, weapons, and a figure stand. Beatrix comes with the Save the Queen sword.

Why does Zidane have a tail?

According to an interview with Final Fantasy IX art director Hideo Minaba from Dengeki PlayStation volume 151, Zidane Tribal originally had a black leopard’s tail, but it was difficult to see it against the backgrounds so they changed it into a yellow cat’s tail.

How do I get the pumice piece in ff9?

Where To Get Pumice Pieces

  1. You will get one Pumice Piece from beating Ark itself in Oelivert.
  2. One Pumice Piece is found inside a Chocograph treasure. Namely, the Outer Island 2 Chocograph.
  3. It is possible to steal a Pumice Piece from Ozma, though it is the rarest steal possible.

What cures doom ff9?

Doom makes the affected character suffer instant death after a set number of turns. This number appears above the character’s head. Doom cannot be cured except by using the staff special move Rejuvenation with the Cure Doom part, or after a KO. However, it can be prevented by using the Spiritmaster ability Fairy Ward.

What is Zidanes best weapon?

Zidane’s Ultimate Weapon is aptly named the Ultima Weapon and can only be found at the later stages of the game on disc four. It is located near the fourth Dive Spot around the Shimmering Island during the Chocobo Dive side-quests.

What does Odin’s sword do FF9?

If Dagger equips the Odin’s Sword ability, Odin will deal non-elemental damage to all surviving enemies as well. The attack does more damage the fewer Ores the player has in the inventory. When randomly summoned in Trance, he does non-elemental damage, whether or not Odin’s Sword is equipped.