How old is Denbigh High School?

Denbigh High School began in 1969 as Denbigh Secondary School with 810 students, drawn from three feeder schools: York Town, Four Paths and Denbigh Primary.

How big is Denbigh High?

The school has approximately 1120 students between the ages of 11 and 16 and the school became an academy in 1911 Its partner school, Challney High School for Boys (also within Luton) became a National Teaching School in July 2011 and Denbigh High School is their strategic partner.

Who is the Headteacher of Denbigh High School?

Dr Paul Evans
Dr Paul Evans has been confirmed as the new head of Denbigh High School. Dr Evans, who has been in the role of acting headteacher since last November, has worked at the school for 13 years.

How many schools in Wales are in special measures?

Inspectors from education watchdog Estyn visit schools across Wales, and if a school is judged not to be providing an acceptable standard of education, it is placed in special measures – the most serious category. Across Torfaen, Newport and Blaenau Gwent, six schools are currently in special measures.

What is Denbigh High School motto?

Learning for Living
Seven years after one of the greatest events in Jamaica’s history – Independence – Denbigh High School was born. The year 1969 marked the dawn of hope for youth in the community. The school’s motto, ‘Learning for Living’ served as a lamp that would steer boys and girls with curious minds along the right path.

How many students are in Denbigh High School?

1,127Denbigh High School / Number of students

When was Denbigh High School founded?


What is Denbigh High School email address?

Please contact us in writing via [email protected].

How often do Estyn inspect schools?

Currently, we inspect providers at least once in the eight-year period, although the date of their next inspection is not linked to the date of their previous inspection. However, we suspended our inspection activity during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021.