How often should you change AL-KO friction pads?

The friction pad life expectancy is around 33,000 miles and can be prolonged by regular cleaning with fine grade emery paper.

How do you clean AL-KO friction pads?

Gently rub the concave surface of the friction pads with a fine grade emery paper. This will remove residue from the surface and prolong friction pad life. We recommend cleaning friction pads in this way before or after every journey to maximise their efficiency.

Why does my AL-KO hitch creak?

Most likely cause is the stabiliser pads have become contaminated with dirt. Clean tow ball and inside of hitch head with brake cleaner and a clean rag or wad of kitchen roll and see if that helps.

How do you clean friction pads?

How do I clean my Alko towball?

REMOVING TOWBALL PAINT 1 Towball as purchased, with protective paint. 2 Rub the towball with emery paper until all traces of paint are removed. Ideally finish by applying a coat of brake cleaner fluid to remove any residue. 3 The towball is now ready for your journey.

How do I remove the friction pad from the stabiliser?

Insert the end of a screwdriver into the hole created by the removal of the cap, and tap gently with a hammer. The friction pad will drop out of the bottom of the stabiliser. Repeat the process for the opposite side.

How do you change the friction pads on an AKS 3004 stabiliser?

Repeat the process for the opposite side. To replace the cleaned or new friction pads, simply insert the friction pad into the head of the stabiliser and click into place. This guide is suitable for both the original style, red, AKS 3004 Stabilisers and the newer style, black, AKS 3004 Stabilisers as pictured.

How do I know if my stabiliser pads are worn out?

Look at the front of the stabiliser handle. If you see the green plastic segment below the red one (not the button on the front of the hitch), the front and rear pads are fine. However, if you see only the red segment, they are worn and new ones are needed. Now, unhitch the van. Start with the side pads.

What is the shape of the pad on the AK-47?

The pad is round (unless you have a AKS2004 in which case it is more rectangular. Fitting them back is the reversal of removal and frankly much easier than I have managed to make it sound.