How often does a radiation survey meter require calibration?

(c) Portable radiation survey meters must be calibrated at least annually to an accuracy of ±20 percent for the gamma energy of the sources in use. The calibration must be done at two points on each scale or, for digital instruments, at one point per decade over the range that will be used.

What is metering calibration?

Meter Calibration means the act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a meter.

What is survey meter calibration?

Each survey meter shall be calibrated up to its highest range or the 10 mSv/h range, whichever is lower. The manufacturer’s recommended calibration method, if any, must be followed, and the calibration shall be verified at about 20 to 25 percent and 75 to 80 percent of the measurement of each range or decade.

How often should test meter calibrations be checked?

Every instrument will have a different calibration frequency requirement that comes recommended by the manufacturer. Combine that information with industry best practice which advises leaving no more than 12 months in between calibrations and you’ve got a good starting point.

What is the required frequency of survey instrument calibration in the regulation?

The calibration frequency for survey meters is on an annually or quarterly (Once in three months) basis depending upon the user’s regulatory requirements. Using the appropriate charging device, the dosimeter is charged to zero.

What factors would be considered to change calibration?

Components, such as electronics, used in an instrument may be affected by changes in operating temperature. If an instrument is calibrated at one temperature and then operated at a significantly different temperature, the temperature-induced error can also degrade the results’ accuracy.

What are sources used for instrument checking and calibration radiation?

Instrument calibrations are performed using ANSI N323A and radiation sources certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or traceable to the NIST.

Can I calibrate my own test equipment?

In short, yes. However, not all manufacturers provide a calibration certificate to prove this. If you don’t have a calibration certificate for your tester, you may be refused work and may come into issues if something goes wrong.

How often is calibration required?

Monthly, quarterly, or semiannually. If you do mostly critical measurements and do them often, a shorter time span between calibrations means less chance of questionable test results. Many times, calibrating at shorter intervals will afford you with better specifications.

How do you determine calibration frequency?

When determining the frequency of calibration, consider factors that may affect measurement accuracy:

  1. How often the instrument is used.
  2. Environmental conditions (e.g. humidity, temperature, vibration) where the instrument is stored and used.
  3. The required uncertainty in measurement.