How much time it will take from Chennai to Mumbai?

Distance Between Chennai to Mumbai

Distance between Chennai to Mumbai by Road is 1330 Kms
Travel Time from Chennai to Mumbai by Road is 20:13 hrs
Nearest Airport in Chennai Chennai International Airport (13.08, 80.27)
Nearest Airport in Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (19.08, 72.88)

How can I go to Mumbai from Chennai by train?

Popular Trains from Chennai to Mumbai

  1. 12164 – MAS LTT EXPRESS. Runs onMTWTFSS | OthersClasses 3A, SL, 2S, 2A. 06:20 PM.
  2. 22158 – MS CSMT EXP. Runs onMTWTFSS | OthersClasses 3A, SL, 2S, 2A. 06:20 AM.
  3. 22160 – MAS CSMT EXP. 01:25 PM.
  4. 22919 – ADI HUMSAFAR. Runs onMTWTFSS | OthersClasses 3A, SL.
  5. 11018 – KIK LTT EXPRESS. 10:10 PM.

How many trains are running Chennai to Mumbai?

There are 5 weekly trains and 3 daily trains that run from Chennai to Mumbai , covering the shortest distance of about 1288 km by KIK LTT EXPRESS(11018).

How many km is Chennai from Mumbai?

Chennai to Mumbai

Aerial Distance 1028Km
Road Distance 1328Km

How far is Chennai from Mumbai by flight?

1031 KM
Information of Chennai Mumbai Flight

Aerial distance 1031 KM
Popular Airlines from Chennai to Mumbai JetLite, GoAir, IndiGo, SpiceJet, and Air India
Shortest Time of flights from Chennai to Mumbai 01h 45m
Airport codes flights from Chennai to Mumbai Chennai-MAA,Mumbai-BOM
Time of Chennai to Mumbai flights 02h 00m

How much time does it take from Mumbai to Chennai by flight?

Flight time from Mumbai to Chennai is 1 hour 39 minutes.

How can I go to Munnar from Chennai by train?

Munnar To Chennai By Train: There are no direct trains from Chennai to Munnar. However, one can take a train from Chennai to Aluva Railway Station, which is about 110 km away from Munnar. Chennai to Munnar train fare is about INR 400 for sleeper class and around INR 1000 for AC sleeper.

Is Mumbai close to Chennai?

The direct drive from Chennai (Madras) to Mumbai is 782 mi (1259 km), and should have a drive time of 15 hrs 16 mins in normal traffic.

How long does it take to fly from Chennai to Mumbai?

Flight time from Chennai to Mumbai is 1 hour 35 minutes.