How much space does a rabbit need in its cage?

​According to the House Rabbit Society, “one guideline to go by is at least 8 square feet of enclosure space combined with at least at least 24 square feet of exercise space, for 1-2 rabbits, in which the rabbit(s) can run and play at least 5 hours per day.” ​In sum, the cage should be at least five times his size when …

How big should an indoor rabbit cage be?

As usual, bigger is better. If your bunny will spend most of its time in a cage, then get the biggest cage that is practical in the home. As a general rule, the cage should be at least four times the size of the rabbit. A guide is 24″ by 36″ for smaller rabbits (less than 8 lbs.) or 30″ by 36″ for larger rabbits.

How many hours a day should a bunny be out of its cage?

3 hours
Rabbits must have at least 3 hours every day to run around outside their cage. They need a minimum of 32 square feet of space to play in. It doesn’t have to be outside as rabbits are quite happy running around inside the home.

Is it cruel to keep a rabbit on its own?

Rabbits can develop abnormal behaviour and may suffer if you leave them on their own and with nothing to do for long periods, so you should keep your rabbit with at least one other friendly rabbit.

Is it cruel to keep a rabbit alone?

Rabbits are social animals, so a single rabbit is likely to feel lonely and depressed. Rabbits can live alone, but you’ll need to provide your pet with the attention (company, petting, grooming, exercise, playing, and enrichment) that a bonded rabbit partner would provide.

Should you cover rabbits at night?

In the daytime, keep the front of the hutch uncovered for ventilation purposes. It is fine to cover more of the hutch during the night but you should still leave a small area open for ventilation. Add extra bedding for your bunny to snuggle into. This can be lined underneath with newspaper for increased insulation.

Can I leave my bunny alone for 8 hours?

Even if you have a pair of rabbits, 24 hours is the maximum time they should be alone. Like all pets, rabbits rely heavily on their owners. Domesticated rabbits lack the survival skills of wild rabbits. Your rabbit has basic needs surrounding food, exercise, and stimulation.

How often should I play with my bunny?

It’s recommended to spend an hour with your bunny each day. However, if you can’t manage that, try breaking up that hour into smaller increments. For example, you can spend 30 minutes with your rabbit in the morning before work. Then, when you come home in the evening, you can spend another 30 minutes together.

Is it better to have 2 rabbits than 1?

Barring the odd rogue rabbit that likes the lonely life, rabbits generally benefit from the company of other rabbits. They will often be far happier and content with a mate. Rabbits are not that unlike humans, they also get bored, even depressed, and when they do, they often act it out with destructive behaviour.

Is carpet OK for rabbits?

Carpet squares are good for some rabbits. If they chew on the carpet, you must remove it immediately or risk the rabbit getting an intestinal blockage. Solid Flooring: Wire or wire-like flooring is not comfortable for your rabbit or good for their feet.