How much snow is in Black Butte Ranch Oregon?

16.1 in
Climate Averages

Black Butte Ranch, Oregon United States
Rainfall 11.4 in. 38.1 in.
Snowfall 16.1 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 72.8 days 106.2 days
Sunny 162 days 205 days

Does black Butte have snow?

As long as there is snow on the surrounding peaks (e.g. Trinity Alps) around the same elevation (4,000+ feet), there should still be snow on the northern slopes of Black Butte.

How long does it take to climb Black Butte?

3 h 51 min
Head out on this 6.1-mile out-and-back trail near Mount Shasta, California. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 3 h 51 min to complete. This is a very popular area for hiking, so you’ll likely encounter other people while exploring.

Is Black Butte active?

Black Butte is an extinct stratovolcano in the U.S. state of Oregon.

Is Black Butte California a volcano?

Black Butte is one of the Cascade Range’s southernmost volcanoes, rising up dramatically directly next to I-5 in northern California. Black Butte is a plug dome that was formed about the same time as Shastina, Shasta’s parasitic western cone.

Is Black Butte the top of Mt Shasta?

Black Butte is a steep, nearly treeless dome of hornblende andesite. It was formed about 10,000 years ago at about the same time as Shastina Crater on Mt. Shasta. A large crater first developed at the base of Mt….At a Glance.

Current Conditions: the upper section of trail still has snow. Use caution!
Water: None

Is Black Butte Oregon a volcano?

Black Butte is an extinct stratovolcano in the U.S. state of Oregon. Located in Jefferson County, it is part of Deschutes National Forest. Black Butte forms part of the Cascade volcanic arc. The butte lies just south of the Metolius Springs, which merge to form the headwaters of the Metolius River.

Who owns Black Butte?

Jeriko owns the land on which it plans to build, while the land to the east and adjacent to Black Butte Ranch is owned by the U.S. Forest Service. Black Butte Ranch is owned by its homeowners association. Home parcels in the new addition would range from . 5 acre to 2 acres each.

What are the HOA fees at Black Butte Ranch?

541-595-1280 $40.00 / Month—Improved Property $25.00 / Month—Bare Land Consumption over 10,000 gallons per month will result in additional fees.

How many houses are in Black Butte Ranch?

Eventually, the census-designated, unincorporated private resort community had 1,253 housing units, 33 miles of roads, 18 hiking and cross-country skiing paths, two 18-hole golf courses, 17 tennis courts, five swimming pools, horse stables, and three restaurants and shops.

How many lots are on Black Butte Ranch?

The awe-inspiring scenery teamed with our abundant year-round recreation is what makes Black Butte such a special place, and our 120 Ranch vacation homes located throughout the resorts 1800 acres offer the perfect place to settle in and relax.

Who owns Black Butte Ranch?

the Black Butte Ranch Homeowners’ Association
Black Butte is owned and managed by the Black Butte Ranch Homeowners’ Association, which assumed responsibility for the resort’s amenities and services, including police and fire, in 1982.