How much Protekt to Use?

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use as a nutritional supplement for ALL plants. Maintenance: Use 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gallon of water every watering.

How do you use protekt?

Apply Pro-TeKt® separately when using a single head injector. Foliar Application: Mix ¼ to ½ tsp. per gallon of water and spray directly of leaves. For outdoor applications in soil, feed 1 – 2 tsp/gal with every watering.

What is dyna Gro Protekt?

Dyna Gro Pro-TeKt 0-0-3 The Silicon Solution® is a supplement that supplies silicon and higher levels of potassium to build stronger plant cell walls. Since silicon does not translocate within the plant, it must be applied and made available continually throughout the plant’s life cycle.

Is Dyna Gro Pro-TeKt organic?

The one sensible part of the “organic” movement is minimizing or eliminating the use of chemical pesticides. Providing your plants with proper levels of Pro-TeKt, The Silicon Solution, can eliminate the need for pesticides. Dyna-Gro does not encourage the use of any chemical pesticides.

What is protekt used for?

Pro-TeKt 0-0-3 The Silicon Solution liquid supplement supplies higher levels of potassium and silicon to help plants build stronger cell walls. The stronger cell walls provide a Pro-TeKt-ive barrier against piercing-sucking insects and invading fungi.

What is silica for plants?

Silica regulates plant uptake of iron, manganese and aluminium thus helping to reduce their toxic effects on plant growth. Improved colour and growth. Research has found that silica also plays a vital role and is essential for photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation (green colour) in plant leaves.

Is Potash a silicate?

Potassium silicate is the name for a family of inorganic compounds. The most common potassium silicate has the formula K2SiO3, samples of which contain varying amounts of water. These are white solids or colorless solutions….Potassium silicate.

Other cations Sodium silicate

Is Dyna-Gro safe for vegetables?

Unlike many fertilizers, Dyna-Gro Nutrient Solutions contain all 16 essential minerals in addition to N-P-K. Each batch is closely monitored for quality, are low in soluble salts, and contain NO harmful urea. Safe and easy to use, they’re ideal for quality production of flowers, vegetables and herbs.

Does silica raise pH?

When mixed into the nutrient solution, Silica Blast tends to increase the pH significantly. This is simply due to the chemistry of the silicate sources in the formula (potassium and sodium silicate), and is unavoidable. However, the increase in pH can easily be corrected by using pH Down or a similar product.

Is silica a fertilizer?

In nature, silicon occurs as the oxide (silica) and as silicates, in which it’s used in fertilizers. Plant assimilates silicon through roots as silicic acid.

Is potassium silicate good for plants?

The application of potassium silicate to soil has been shown to be beneficial. Beneficial effects include reducing the toxic effects of manganese, iron and aluminum. Increased phosphorus availability occurs under beneficial levels of silica.