How much meat do you get from Kudu?

The mean live weights of the 22 blesbok and 18 kudu examined were 73,4 kg and 236,3 kg, cold carcass yields 52,9% and 56,6% and lean meat yields 43.4% and 45,4% respectively. Both species were found to be more productive of high quality retail cuts and of lean meat than domestic stock.

How much does a kudu cow weigh?

Bulls can weigh as much as 300 Kg with a shoulder height of 1.4m and cows weigh 210 Kg with a shoulder height of 1.25m.

How much meat do you get from a gemsbok?

If you ask for boneless cuts you’ll get even less “weight” in the freezer. All this results in you getting about 60% of the chilled weight to take home; or about 180 lbs. or only about 1/3 of the animal’s live weight.

How much meat is on a zebra?

Zebra Roast 5 TO 6 Lbs.

How much meat is in a wildebeest?

From the animals I’m familiar with, an adult male in good condition should be skinned and gutted at around 140kg, a female at 100kg, of which at least half is meat.

What is the weight of a gemsbok?

490 – 660 lbsMale
220 – 460 lbsFemale

What does kudu taste like?

Kudu meat is similar to venison (deer), with a slight gamey, liver-like flavor. It is a very dry and lean meat, so it needs to be cooked carefully to avoid drying it out and making it difficult to eat.

How much is a kudu?

The average cost of a South African Kudu is $1800. A plains game package hunt often includes a Kudu Trophy.

What is zebra meat?

Zebra tenderloin is the most tender cut of all the cuts of Zebra Meat. Zebra Tenderloin can be cooked it as a roast or cut into Filet Mignon steaks. Our American Zebra Meat comes from Zebras born, raised, and harvested in the United States of America.

How much meat do you get from a black wildebeest?

BRICKBURN said: “A Hunter’s Handbook” says that slaughter percentage of 58% for Wildebeest. The highest of all the African game. 125 to 145 carcass weight on average.