How much load can a M12 bolt take?

Similarly a grade 8.8 bolt will not snap until it is carrying a load of 80kg per square millimetre….

Size M12
Grade 8.8 4,890kg
Grade 9.8 5,480kg
Grade 10.9 7,000kg
Grade 12.9 8,180kg

How much force can a M6 bolt hold?

â– Bolt strength With additional consideration for the fatigue strength, and based on the strength class of 12.9 in the table, we select an M6 screw with maximum allowable load of 213 kgf.

What is the tensile strength of a 10mm bolt?

10mm-1.5 Class 10.9 Hex Bolt (coarse thread)

Class: 10.9 931/933
Material: Steel 1.50
Head Style: Hex 40mm
Yield Strength, psi: 136,300 17mm
Tensile Strength, psi: 150,800

What is the shear strength of an M12 bolt?

Grade 8.8 Bolt Loading Capacities Table

Diameter of Bolt Tensile Stress Area At Shear Capacity
mm mm2 kN
12 84.3 31.6
16 157 58.9

How do you calculate load carrying capacity of a bolt?

Tensile strength is the maximum tension-applied load the fastener can support prior to fracture. The tensile load a fastener can withstand is determined by the formula P = St x As.

What is the yield strength of a 10.9 bolt?

940 Mpa
The yield strength of the Class 10.9 Bolt is 940 Mpa and the tensile strength of the Grade 10.9 Nuts is 1040 MPa.

What is the shear strength of a Grade 8 bolt?

Grade 8 bolts are designated as a 150 ksi.

What grade bolt is best for shear strength?

Grade 8 bolts exhibit greater tensile, yield, and shear strength as well as greater fatigue resistance and, just as important, are capable of greater torque specs and therefore much greater pre-load and clamping strength.