How much is the fare from Batangas to Calapan?

FastCat Batangas to Calapan Ferry

Accommodation Fare Rates
Economy ₱240.00
Premium Economy ₱290.00
Business ₱335.00

How Fast is SuperCat?

28 knots
SuperCat 26 used to be SeaCat from Australia, traveling Perth to Rottnest Island. She has twin Caterpillar C32 engines and can cruise up to 28 knots. She’s 25m in length.

How much is the fare of car from Batangas to Caticlan?

2Go Travel Batangas to Caticlan Ferry Schedule The travel time is around 10-11 hours and the fare starts at Php930. You can book your ticket in advance.

How many hours RORO from Batangas to Calapan?

2 hours
The estimated ferry travel time between Batangas and Calapan is 2 hours.

How do I get to Calapan?

There are 5 ways to get from Port of Manila to Calapan by bus, ferry, car ferry, bus and ferry or taxi

  1. Take the bus from Manila Cubao Jam Liner to Batangas Pier.
  2. Take the ferry from Batangas Terminal to Calapan Pier Batangas Terminal – Calapan Pier.

How do I get from Batangas to Mindoro?

There is no direct connection from Mindoro to Batangas. However, you can take the taxi to Calapan Pier then take the ferry to Batangas Terminal. Alternatively, you can take the taxi to Calapan then take the car ferry to Batangas.

What pier is Supercat Cebu to Ormoc?

Cebu City Pier 1
What pier does Supercat Cebu depart from for trips to Ormoc? Supercat Cebu departs from Cebu City Pier 1.

How many hours ferry from Batangas to Caticlan?

about 9 to 11 hours
The Batangas to Caticlan ferry has a travel time of about 9 to 11 hours. Passengers will board at the Batangas Port and alight from the Caticlan Jetty Port. From the jetty port, a short boat ride will take you to Boracay island. The route is available daily, with scheduled departures in the morning and evening.

How long is 2GO from Batangas to Boracay?

2GO Travel Schedules The trip via 2GO Batangas to Caticlan travel time is around 9 hours. Batangas Port to Caticlan Jetty Port Ferry Schedule: You either ride the 10:00 AM trip or the 9:00 PM trip.

How can I go to Mindoro from Batangas by car?

There is no direct connection from Batangas Pier to Mindoro. However, you can take the ferry to Calapan Pier then take the taxi to Victoria. Alternatively, you can take the walk to Batangas, take the car ferry to Calapan, then take the taxi to Victoria.

How can I go to Mindoro?

The island of Mindoro may be accessed by boat from either Batangas (to Calapan and Puerto Galera), from Caticlan (Aklan) to Roxas (Oriental Mindoro), or from Coron to San Jose. The shipping service from Batangas is Ro-Ro (about 3 hours) or fast ferry (about 1.5 hours), 24/7.

How much is the fare from Batangas to Mindoro?

Batangas to Oriental Mindoro Schedule

Transport Name Route Time Price
Island Water VIP 03:00 – 04:15 $19
Island Water Tourist 05:00 – 06:15 $15
Oceanjet Tourist Class 07:50 – 08:50 $12
Island Water VIP 09:00 – 10:15 $19