How much is the admission to Western North Carolina Nature Center?

$10.95 for adults
Purchase your tickets online, skip the line and head straight for the fun! General admission tickets are $10.95 for adults, $9.95 for seniors (65+) and $6.95 for youth ages 3 to 15. Buncombe County resident ticket prices are $7.95 for adults, $6.95 for seniors and $5.95 for youth ages.

How much is the Nature Center in Asheville?

COST: Access to the WNC Nature Center does require admission. Admission costs are: $10.95 for adults, $9.95 for seniors, $6.95 for youth and free for children ages two and younger.

What animals are at the WNC Nature Center?

The Animals of the WNC Nature Center

  • American Black Bear. Generally shy and reclusive animals, black bears avoid human contact and are not normally aggressive.
  • American Red Wolf.
  • American River Otter.
  • Angora Goat.
  • Barn Owl.
  • Black Rat Snake.
  • Bobcat.
  • Corn Snake.

Does the NC Zoo have an aquarium?

North Carolina’s animal attractions include the nation’s largest natural-habitat zoo, aquariums with exotic arrays of sea life, and a number of visitor-friendly nature centers and sanctuaries for species ranging from birds to tigers to sea turtles.

Does Asheville have an aquarium?

Team ECCO is the only public aquarium in WNC. Housed directly on Main Street, Hendersonville, it houses 18+ ocean reef and turtle / tortoise displays. Our Center is home to dozens of tropical fish including blue spot sting rays, bamboo shark pup, sea horses, lion fish, puffers, and several eels.

What is Western NC known for?

High Country. The northern counties in Western North Carolina are commonly known as the state’s High Country. Centered on Boone, the High Country has the area’s most popular ski resorts, including Ski Beech, Appalachian Ski Mountain, and Sugar Mountain.

Is there an aquarium in Asheville?

Team ECCO is the only public aquarium in WNC. Housed directly on Main Street, Hendersonville, it houses 18+ ocean reef and turtle / tortoise displays.

Are there moose in WNC?

They live across North America, Europe, and Asia. However, you don’t have to go all the way to Alaska or the cold white north to see one. In the United States, moose can be found across northern states bordering Canada and as far south as the Colorado Rockies.

Is the North Carolina Zoo closing permanently?

North Carolina Zoo Announces the Permanent Closure of its Aviary Habitat. Asheboro, N.C. – April 21, 2022 – Today, the North Carolina Zoo announces the permanent closure of its Aviary Habitat.

Do you have to wear a mask at the NC zoo?

All public picnic areas will be open except Dragonfly Pointe, which is closed for maintenance. The Zoo’s seasonal attractions are currently operating except for Air Hike. Masks are not required but are strongly recommended for individuals that have not been vaccinated.

What is the best NC Aquarium?

Here Are 10 of the Best Aquariums in North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island.
  2. North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher.
  3. North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores.
  4. EMA Touch Tank Aquarium.
  5. Sea Life Charlotte-Concord.
  6. Appalachian Rivers Aquarium.
  7. Aquarium & Shark Lab by Team ECCO.
  8. North Carolina Estuarium.

Which North Carolina Aquarium is the largest?

North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores
Visitors to the aquarium will be awe-struck by the more than 3,000 specimens of North Carolina’s most colorful aquatic life, making it the largest saltwater aquarium in the state of North Carolina.