How much is parking at Derby Royal hospital?

Parking charges

Duration Charge
Up to 5 hours £5.20
Up to 6 hours £6.20
Daily rate over 6 hours £9.00
Lost ticket charged at daily rate £9.00

What is Ward 2 at Derby Royal hospital for?

The new Ward 2, which has 14 single room bedrooms, has been designed specifically for patients who require end of life care but who can’t return home or go to a nursing home.

What is Ward 30 Burton hospital?

Ward 30 is a Surgical Ward incorporating gynaecology, elective orthopaedic, ENT and Private Patients. An Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit and Gynaecology Assessment Unit are also run from the Ward.

How long is short stay parking at Derby Royal hospital?

There are free 10 minute drop-off spaces available at the Main Entrance and free 30 minute drop-off spaces at A&E, the Children’s Hospital, Entrance 21 and Entrance 24. How much does parking cost? The first 30 minutes of parking in any of the car parks are free.

Is disabled parking free at Royal Derby Hospital?

Transport & Parking Website says they have one dedicated disabled car park (car park 3) with 64 bays (these bays are not free). Free parking is available for up to 3 hours at entrance 21, 24 and outside children’s hospital. If you can’t use the barriers you have to get special permit from car park office in advance.

Is parking free at Burton Hospital?

Burton hospital bosses are offering free parking to certain visitors. All Burton’s Queen’s Hospital outpatients who have appointments at least three times every 30 days can now park for free.

What does Derby Hospital Specialise in?

We provide a wide range of services including general medical, surgical, maternity, rehabilitation care and accident and emergency services, with a total of 1,187 beds many of which are single rooms for improved privacy and dignity for patients. Our vision is to build on these achievements, ‘Taking pride in caring’.

How many beds does Royal Derby hospital have?

1,139Royal Derby Hospital / Number of beds

What is Ward 4 Burton hospital?

Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has officially rebranded a ward to focus 100% on acutely unwell older patients. Ward 4 at the trust’s Queen’s Hospital site has been re-named as the “acute older person’s ward”.

What is an AAC Ward?

The acute assessment unit provides a specialised area for rapid assessments, diagnostics, treatment, observations and discharge of patients who attend via an emergency pathway.

How much is parking at the Royal Free hospital?

£4 for 3-4 hours. £7 for 4-6 hours. £10 for 6 hours up to a maximum of 24 hours.