How much is a vintage Remington typewriter worth?

Remington Brand Typewriter Value 1 in rough condition sold for nearly $27,000 at auction on eBay. But later Remingtons, including the Standard #10, can be found online for $150 and under, in good, working condition.

Is Remington a good typewriter?

We have been able to restore to perfect at least 15 of the Remington Victor S and T and they have always been fast sellers, eye catching, nice typewriters and unbelievably nice to type on when properly recondition and if you have a new platen fitted.

How do you date a Remington typewriter?

You can date a Remington down to the month of manufacture, in many cases, by consulting the detailed serial number records available on The Typewriter Database. The first numeral is the last numeral of the year in which the typewriter was made (for example, “3” means 1923).

What typewriters were used in 1960?

Vintage 1960s IBM electric typewriters, like the Executive and the Selectric, were marketed to help executives — and secretaries — manage an increasing business workload at a time when more and more white collar jobs were being created.

What year is Remington typewriter?

The first typewriters were placed on the market in 1874, and the machine was soon renamed the Remington. Among its original features that were still standard in machines built a century later were the cylinder,…

How old is Remington typewriter?

E. Remington and Sons (1816–1896) was a manufacturer of firearms and typewriters.

Remington factory circa 1840
Founded Ilion, NY, United States (1816)
Founder Eliphalet Remington
Fate Purchased
Successor Remington Arms Co. Standard Typewriter Manufacturing Company later Remington Typewriter Company and Remington Rand

Who used a Remington typewriter?

Twain was the first author ever to have a manuscript typed. Other famous users include Agatha Christie, the world famous mystery novelist; Rudyard Kipling, who also made good use of the Remington Noiseless model in his later years; and Gone with the Wind novelist Margaret Mitchell, who used a Remington Portable No. 3.

How much did a typewriter cost in 1960?

Typewriter prices

Model Price ($) Effective Date
420 Feb. 1, 1957
C (13″ carriage) 445 Jan. 12, 1959
460 Jan. 2, 1962
470 Oct. 5, 1964

How much is a typewriter?

An older machine in working condition runs about $200. If you have a great typewriter repair store, you can find non-working typewriters from this vintage for $50 and under. Refurbished vintage typewriters can be had from $200 all the way up to $800!

Where do I find the serial number on a Remington typewriter?

(Look for the serial number on the right top of the frame, under the right end of the carriage.)

When was the last Remington typewriter made?

From 1868 to 1886, before Standard Typewriter Manufacturing acquired the company, Remington and Sons already had nine typewriter models. From 1886 until 1980, there were many more Remington typewriter models produced.