How much is a Personalised number plate in Gauteng?

Two characters cost R6,000, three characters cost R4,000, and others to a maximum of seven letters or numbers cost R1,750. Gauteng has the second most expensive personalised plates, but charges much less for its low-character plates. In GP three characters cost R5,950 and between four to seven characters cost R3,450.

How much does it cost to Personalise a number plate in South Africa?

According to Gumtree Automotive, you can expect to pay an average of around R1,500 for a personalised plate….The cost of personalised number plates in South Africa.

Personalised licence number Fee Example
All others, up to a maximum of seven characters R1 750 JOHNNY2 – WP RUN2ME – WP
3 x digits and letters R10 000 CA 1

How can I check if a number plate is available in South Africa?

How to check if number plates are taken in South Africa. Your provincial traffic department has online or mobile phone call services for the public to check if a number plate is available.

Can I buy a Personalised number plate?

Personalised number plates are a way of making your car more individual. You’ll pay extra money to have your own choice of numbers and letters on the registration – usually a phrase, slogan or initials that mean something to you.

Do you have to pay yearly for a Personalised number plate?

Surprisingly, the answer is: Not much. A private number plate is not really its own thing – it is a façade. When it is registered to a vehicle it belongs to that vehicle, not the person who bought it, as some understand. This means there are no annual fees to pay as long as the private number plate is on the vehicle.

How many letters can be on a number plate?

two letters

Vehicle’s state of registration Standard number plate patterns A = letter N = number If a different character is shown, it represents that specific character.
New South Wales (NSW) – AANNAA (two letters, two numbers, two letters) – AAANNA (three letters, two numbers, one letter)

How long does it take to register a Personalised number plate?

Other registrations usually take between 3 to 5 weeks to complete (upon receipt of correct documentation, where appropriate). Further information and what you will need, can be found in our guide: Assignment of a private number to a vehicle.

How do you check if a number plate is taken?

You can search online via number plate sales specialist websites – like us right here at New Reg. Simply enter the exact registration you want to enquire about into the search box, and if it is available then the plate and price for it will show right at the top of the list of options.

Do you need a front license plate in South Africa?

Rules and regulations as stipulated in the National Road Traffic Act (Act 93 of 1996): All vehicles are required to have two number plates – one at the back and one at the front – except for motor cycles which only requires one number plate at the back.

How long can I keep a Personalised number plate?

10 years
What happens to the private number. Your V778 retention document proves that you still have the right to assign the private number for the next 10 years. You must renew your right to use a private number before the V778 expires.