How much is a gram of silver in Dubai?

Dubai Silver Rate Today

Quantity Silver Rate
1 Ounce AED 81.80
1 Tola AED 30.68
10 Grams AED 26.30
1 Gram AED 2.63

How much does 1g of silver cost?

Current Silver Gram Bar Values

Description Silver Value (USD)
1 gram silver bar $0.69
2.5 gram silver bar $1.74
5 gram silver bar $3.48
10 gram silver bar $6.97

What is gold rate in UAE?

Today Gold Rate/Price per Gram in UAE (AED)

Gold Unit Gold Price in Emirati Dirham (AED)
1 Gram 24K 223.750 AED
1 Gram 22K 210.250 AED
1 Gram 21K 200.750 AED
1 Gram 18K 172.000 AED

What is silver price today?

MONEX Live Silver Spot Prices

Silver Spot Prices Today Change
Silver Prices Per Ounce $22.10 -0.18
Silver Prices Per Gram $0.71 -0.01
Silver Prices Per Kilo $710.51 -5.79

How do I calculate silver per gram?

There is a standard formula for calculation of MCX Silver price.

  1. Silver Price calculation formula for 1 gram = (International Silver Price) x (USD to INR Conversion Rate) / (Troy Ounce to Grams Conversion)
  2. MCX Gold price is quoted in INR for 10 grams and Silver is quoted in 1 Kg.

Why is silver so cheap?

Endless Supply One of the main reasons why the price is so low is that the supply is huge. It’s estimated that there’s around 20 times more silver on the earth than gold. It’s easier for companies to mine it, and that’s not even all the silver in the world. There’s also scrap metal and stored silver.