How much is a FARO Focus 3D?

FARO Focus3D X 130 3D Laser Scanner from $6,700.00/mo.

Does FARO use lidar?

FARO put its Focus lidar on a UAV for wide-area scanning.

What does FARO scanner stand for?

Fittingly, FARO isn’t just an acronym for Frasier and Raab Orthopedics, but a derivative of the ancient Greek word “pharos,” meaning lighthouse — a beacon for people seeking the path forward in both the literal and figurative sense.

What is FARO Focus?

With its unique expandability, a FARO Focus Laser Scanner grows with your needs. The integrated accessory bay allows you to add new sensors or indicators to your device. And the FARO Swift extension allows you to turn your Focus into a super-fast mobile scanning system for large indoor projects.

How much does Faro as built cost?

FARO says the scanner, which is set to cost less than $25,000, will provide an “ideal entry point for all professional users considering laser scanning in the construction BIM/CIM and public safety forensics markets.” The Focus M 70 weighs 4.2 kg, and captures 500,000 points per second at an accuracy of +/- 3mm.

How much is a Leica rtc360?

Prices starting at: $73,000.

What is Faro mean in English?

Translation of faro – Italian–English dictionary lighthouse [noun] a building built on rocks, coastline etc with a (flashing) light to guide or warn ships.

What is the accuracy of a FARO arm?

0014-inch (0.036 mm) accuracy and offer it at a competitive market price,” FARO President and CEO Jay Freeland said. “High precision at this price point is unheard of, and fulfills a sizable market demand.”

How much is a FARO?

FARO says the scanner, which is set to cost less than $25,000, will provide an “ideal entry point for all professional users considering laser scanning in the construction BIM/CIM and public safety forensics markets.”

How much is a Faro?