How much is a Darth Vader PEZ?

$49.99 & FREE Shipping….Enhance your purchase.

Brand PEZ Candy
Package Weight 1.35 Pounds

What is the rarest PEZ dispenser?

One of the rarest of all Pez Disney dispensers is Mary Poppins, which released in 1973 and has no “feet.” There are two variants, one with painted cheeks and one without. The non-painted version is worth around $750, while the model with some blush will put some more green in (or out of) your pocket.

How do I know if my PEZ dispenser is valuable?

If the Patent Number reads: 3,942,683 then it was produced from 1976-1989.” Starting in the late 1980s, PEZ started adding “feet” to the dispensers to help them stand up better. Any dispenser without these feet is considered more rare and is more desirable to collectors.

Which PEZ are worth the most?

Generally, the PEZ products that tend to be the most valuable are the ones that were made in more limited numbers, such as special editions or prototypes. This is also true for PEZ that were recalled due to safety concerns or products that are so old that few others like them managed to survive intact.

How many Pez dispensers are there?

There are over 550 unique dispenser heads with thousands of variations.

What does the number on the side of a Pez mean?

On most PEZ dispensers, located on one side of the stem, and towards the top, you will find a single or double digit number molded in the plastic. This number is a code number that relates to a specific Injection Molding facility (manufacturing / molding plant) used by PEZ.

What does Pez mean in German?

The name PEZ comes from the German word for peppermint, “Pfefferminz” taking the P from the first letter, E from the middle letter and Z from the last letter to form the now iconic brand name PEZ. The original shape of PEZ candy was round and called ‘PEZ drops.