How much is a BOSIET course UK?

about £700-900
The cost of doing the BOSIET training course in the UK is about £700-900 inc VAT depending on where you are. But it’s not the only certificate you need to work offshore on the oil/gas rigs and boats, you need 4 certs now. For most people, the combined cost of these certs is what you need.

What does Petans mean?

sound of something making firm contact with a flat surface.

What is FOET?

What is FOET? FOET (Further Offshore Emergency Training) is also known as the BOSIET refresher. Your BOSIET certificate is only valid for four years and before it expires you will have to complete the appropriate FOET course which validates the certificate for another four years.

What is BOSIET training course?

BOSIET stands for basic offshore safety induction and emergency training, a course created to assist in meeting the initial offshore safety training, emergency response training and assessment requirements for personnel new to the offshore oil and gas industry.

How much does a Bosiet course cost?

Documents Required:

Course Fees (INR) Duration
BOSIET -Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training 9,000/- 3 Days

How long does offshore Mist last?

four years
MIST Online is the refresher training and re-assessment for experienced offshore workers to renew their MIST certification every four years.

How long does offshore survival last?

How long does a BOSIET certification last? A BOSIET certification lasts four years. Make sure to complete the FOET which stands for Further Offshore Emergency Training, within those four years. It is a course which validates the certificate for a further four years.

How long is an offshore survival course?

3 days
The OPITO BOSIET course is 3 days in duration and the cost of a basic course is around £600, plus any accommodation costs.

How much does a BOSIET course cost?

How long is offshore survival training?

A BOSIET certification lasts four years. Make sure to complete the FOET which stands for Further Offshore Emergency Training, within those four years. It is a course which validates the certificate for a further four years.

Can I do my mist course online?

MIST Online is the refresher training and re-assessment for experienced offshore workers to renew their MIST certification every four years.