How Much Is a 8ft piece of metal roofing?

Compare Similar Metal Roofing

current product
8 ft. Galvanized Steel Corrugated Roof Panel 8 ft. Corrugated Galvanized Steel 29-Gauge Roof Panel 8 ft. SM-Rib Galvalume Steel 29-Gauge Roof/Siding Panel
$2578 $2578 $4518 /piece
(21) (79) (23)
Approximate Length (ft.) 8 8 8

How much is a sheet of tin cost?

Metal Roofing Prices per Sheet

Roofing Material Price Range (Per Sheet)
Tin $300 – $1,500
Aluminum $150 – $600
Copper $800 – $1,500
Zinc $600 – $1,000

Is corrugated steel expensive?

At an average cost of $5.50 to $8.50 per square foot installed, corrugated metal is priced somewhat similarly to asphalt shingles, especially at the low end, and yet, high-end corrugated metal panels are far more durable, energy efficient, and can last far longer than asphalt shingles.

How wide is Galvalume?

It can be obtained in thicknesses from 0.014″ to 0.055” and in widths up to 48″. Inquire for heavier thicknesses. Galvalume Plus is available from numerous licensed plants. It can be obtained in thicknesses from 0.015″ to 0.030″ and in widths up to 48″.

How do you cut tin roof panels?

The metal sheets used to form the roof need to be cut to fit your roof before you can install them, but fortunately, this is easy to do with a few different tools. Use tin snips or shears to cut lengths by hand. You could also use a circular saw to cut lots of sheets more quickly and a nibbler to create rounded cuts.

What is the standard size of sheet metal?

There are a variety of standard sheet metal sizes, including: 36” x 96” 36” x 120” 36” x 144”

Is metal cheaper than shingles?

Shingle roofs are cheaper up front. Metal roofs generally can run from $120 to $900 per 100 square feet (one 10-foot by 10-foot area, or a “square” of material), while asphalt shingles will be between $100 and $200 per 100 square feet. Its installation will also run you more for metal since it’s a more specialized job.