How much is a 1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am worth?

Vehicle Valuation Analysis

Bodystyles Median Sale
Formula Hardtop Coupe $10,475
Hardtop Coupe $21,000
Trans Am HardTop Coupe $17,588
Trans Am Limited Edition HardTop Coupe $18,000

How much is a 1979 Bandit Trans Am worth?

A 1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am with a 220-horsepower, 400-cubic-inch V-8 has an average value of $61,400 in #1 (concours) condition, while one in #2 (excellent) condition is worth $44,900.

How much is a Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am worth?

The 1977 Pontiac TransAm, made popular by Reynolds’ cult classic film, recently went up for auction.

How much did a 1979 Trans Am cost in 1979?


Vehicle: 1979 Pontiac Trans Am Special Edition
Number Produced: 11,554 (1,107 W72 cars) in 1979
Original List Price: $8,028
SCM Valuation: Base Trans Am, $10,500–$15,000; these options, $30,000–$50,000
Tune Up Cost: $200

Who owns the original Smokey and the Bandit truck?

Seems trucker Neil Ashworth of Huddersfield, England, is now the owner of a 1985 Kenworth W900B he purchased from another U.K.-based owner. After researching the vehicle’s history here in the U.S., he realized the truck had in fact been part of the Burt Reynolds co-owned Skoal Bandit NASCAR team back in the late 1980s.

What size engine did the Smokey and the Bandit car have?

Engine. Under the hood of the incredible Trans Ams used for the film sat a 400 ci V8 engine, which pushed out somewhere in the realm of 200 horsepower.

Who owns the Smokey and the Bandit truck?

How much money does smoking the Bandit make?

With an original budget of $5.3 million (cut to $4.3 million two days before initial production), the film eventually grossed $126,737,428 in North America, making it the second-highest-grossing movie of 1977 (only Star Wars earned more, with $775.5 million). The worldwide gross is estimated at over $300 million.