How much is a $1 exacta box?

Exacta Box

# of Horses $1 Base Bet Cost
4 $12.00
5 $20.00
6 $30.00
7 $42.00

How much do you win on an exacta box?

There’s no “average” payout for an exacta bet — it varies significantly depending on the race, horses, track and even the weather. If two horses who are heavily favored to compete, you’ll likely win less than $12 on a winning ticket. Larger fields will boost this to around $35.

Is an exacta box a good bet?

Exacta box bets are attractive to bettors because they are much easier to win than straight exactas but still provide healthy payout potential. Experienced horse racing handicappers have a hard enough time identifying the two best horses in a race, let alone predicting their exact finishing order.

What does a $2 exacta pay?

The Fair Payoff for an Exacta equals the size of the bet, such as a $2 Exacta, multiplied by the (win horse’s odds-to-1) multiplied by the (place horse’s odds-to-1 plus 1). The odds are each horse’s going-off win odds.

How much is a $1 exacta box with 4 horses?

A $1 exacta box of four horses would be calculated as 4 * (4-1) * $1 = $12, which equates to 12 $1 exacta bets. You can box as many horses as you like in an exacta, but this is not generally a wise betting strategy simply because all of the horses in the box do not have the same chance of finishing first or second.

How much is a $1 trifecta box cost?

Trifecta Box Costs:

$1 Trifecta Box with three horses $6 (6 possible combinations)
$1 Trifecta Box with four horses $24 (24 possible combinations)
$1 Trifecta Box with five horses $60 (60 possible combinations)
$1 Trifecta Box with six horses $120 (120 possible combinations)

How much is a $2 exacta box with 3 horses?

A $2 box of three horses would be (3 x 2 x 2) = $12. A $2 box of four horses would be (4 x 3 x 2) = $24. As you can see the cost of the exacta box increases greatly with each additional horse. Also remember that you can wager a $1 exacta box.