How much does Vasap cost in Virginia?
How much does Vasap cost in Virginia?
between $250 and $300
The cost for VASAP is between $250 and $300. You must also pay for the 20-hour course. Its cost is required to be reasonable and is approximately $100. If you have been granted a restricted license, you will have to pay the cost of installing an ignition interlock system and its monthly maintenance fee.
How long are Vasap classes in VA?
20 hours
Classes are 20 hours long, conducted at two-hour intervals with meetings occurring once per week for 10 weeks. What locations and times are offered for classes? The number of classes offered is limited in some areas of the state; other ASAPs provide more options.
Can you take Virginia ASAP classes online?
Virginia prohibits online VASAP classes for DUI, Alcohol and Drug education and will not accept a certificate of completion from an online course.
How much is intervention interview at Vasap?
Online registration – To enroll you may also pay the enrollment fee ($30.00 for Intervention Interview or $75.00 for Driver Improvement) online by clicking the payments tab found on the left side of this page. You must also return the appropriate enrollment form, found below, to the ASAP office.
How much does an ignition interlock device cost in Virginia?
between $2.50 and $3.50 a day
Ignition Interlock Cost in Virginia Virginia ignition interlock device costs are not covered by the court or the state. Offenders are responsible for the cost of the device, which is typically between $2.50 and $3.50 a day.
How long is intervention interview at Vasap?
Suspended Driving Intervention Interview: This service is for those individuals who are required, per the Virginia Code, to attend a one-hour intervention interview course due to a second conviction of driving while suspended or revoked.
How much does ignition interlock cost in Virginia?
You can typically expect to pay between $60 and $100 a month to lease an ignition interlock device in Virginia; however, the cost of ignition interlocks may vary somewhat depending on the jurisdiction.
What is a intervention interview at Vasap?
In turn the driver is notified by a letter from DMV that they are required to complete an Intervention Interview at a local certified VASAP office. The intervention educates the offender about the consequences of further charges and how to address the behaviors that have resulted in the offenses.
How long is an intervention interview?
one hour
Typically, Early Intervention sessions are one hour in length.
Does Virginia require GPS on interlock?
How do I know if I need a camera/GPS/etc.? All Virginia-conditioned clients are required to install a compatible camera with the Ignition Interlock Device.
What happens if you refuse a Breathalyzer test in Virginia?
Drivers who are convicted of refusing to take a breathalyzer test in Virginia will face an automatic license suspension of 12 months for the first offense. During this period, there is no opportunity to get a restricted license.
What is ASAP treatment?
The ASAP Program consists of our own uniquely successful blend of Intensive Group Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing Techniques, Stages of Change Theory, Parent Training, Multi-Family Therapy, Drug Testing, Peer Support, and Relapse Prevention.