How Much Does VA pay for housebound?
How Much Does VA pay for housebound?
If the veteran is currently at a 100% va disability rate, and VA finds that the veteran is housebound, they will pay the veteran at the 100% rate with an additional $375 per month….Basic SMC-S Rates with Dependents, Including Children.
Dependent Status | Compensation |
Veteran with Spouse, One Parent and One Child | $3,966.54 |
What does the VA consider housebound?
In order for a veteran or their spouse to be considered housebound, one must have a disability that is permanent and be given a 100% disability rating. (The VA rates disabilities by percentages to indicate the seriousness of a veteran’s disability, with 100% being the most severe).
Does VA housebound mean unemployable?
For most veterans, SMC housebound benefits are given as a result of permanent and total disability. In those cases, SMC housebound benefits will generally not end. However, if the disability that qualifies you for housebound benefits is not permanent, your benefits may eventually end.
What is entitlement to special monthly compensation based on housebound?
A special monthly compensation (SMC) is an extra amount added to the monthly compensation you are already receiving. This extra compensation is for those requiring additional assistance due to an arm or leg amputation or if the Veteran is completely deaf or blind. In these cases, most Veterans are homebound.
What is SMC housebound?
Housebound status is another example of a type of SMC that entitles a veteran to additional compensation when they are substantially confined to their home because of their service-connected disability, and it is reasonably certain that the disability will continue throughout their lifetime.
How much money do you get for VA aid and attendance?
The 2022 Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit rates are: A Veteran with a spouse may qualify for as much as $2,431 per month. A single Veteran may qualify for as much as $2,050 per month. A well Veteran with an ill spouse may qualify for as much as $1,608 per month.