How much does the wedding at Cana cost?

In their business contract for the commission of The Wedding Feast at Cana, the Benedictine monks stipulated that Veronese be paid 324 ducats; be paid the costs of his personal and domestic maintenance; be provided a barrel of wine; and be fed in the refectory.

What does the wedding at Cana symbolize?

In the Gospels, Jesus’ presence at the wedding at Cana emphasizes both personal and communal nature of the New Covenant. And His turning water into wine so the celebration could continue demonstrates how the New Covenant of service and forgiveness is a happy, joyful one.

What happened at the wedding feast of Cana?

Jesus, his mother, and his disciples attend a wedding in the village of Cana. When the wine runs out at the feast, Jesus turns water into wine, thus demonstrating his divinity to his disciples.

What painting hangs opposite the Mona Lisa?

Wedding Feast at Cana
Venetian painting Veronese’s monumental Wedding Feast at Cana fills the display space opposite the Mona Lisa, and all around are other famous paintings!

Why did Jesus attend the wedding in Cana?

In the Gospel account, Jesus Christ, his mother and his disciples are invited to a wedding. When his mother notices that the wine has run out, Jesus delivers a sign of his divinity by turning water into wine at her request.

What is the lesson of Jesus turning water into wine?

We can learn a valuable lesson through this first miracle—Jesus can provide for our needs. We may not get everything we want, but the power of the Lord can meet your needs to empower you to pursue a deeper relationship with God. Another lesson is to focus less on the wine and instead focus more on the winemaker.

What is the meaning of Cana?

Cana. / (ˈkeɪnə) / noun. New Testament the town in Galilee, north of Nazareth, where Jesus performed his first miracle by changing water into wine (John 2:1, 11)

What is the miracle at Cana?