How much does Second Nature wilderness cost?

Each site serves around 200 students per year, at a cost of nearly $500 a day, some of which may be covered by insurance. Second Nature’s website is filled with videos. On the homepage is a teenage girl, who tells us that Second Nature changed her life. We see pictures of smiling students and the Georgia wilderness.

What really happens at wilderness therapy?

Wilderness therapy is a mental health treatment strategy for adolescents with maladaptive behaviors. Wilderness programs combine therapy with challenge experiences in an outdoor wilderness environment to “kinetically engage clients on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels.”

How much does bluefire wilderness cost?

The wilderness programs operate in 14 different states and one other country. The average cost is currently $558.00/per day and the average enrollment fee is $3194.

Who owns Second Nature wilderness?

Devan Glissmeyer
Co-Founder of Second Nature, Devan Glissmeyer has worked with adolescents in treatment for over 20 years, 19 in wilderness therapy. Prior to founding Second Nature, he taught college psychology and communication courses.

Why do parents send their children to wilderness therapy?

Wilderness therapy gives a struggling kid the opportunity to build friendships with other kids in similar emotional states. These friendships involve honest communication, shared experiences and connections that are usually much deeper than the child is getting on the outside.

How much does trails Carolina camp cost?

Trails Carolina is licensed by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services as a residential therapeutic camp. Generally, therapeutic wilderness programs cost big money, upwards of $30,000 or more for a child’s three-month stay.

What are the negatives of going to wilderness therapy?

Sudden Change of Environment and Routines Instead, participants are often placed directly into the new environment to begin treatment as soon as possible. For at-risk teens with volatile personalities and mental health conditions, this can further exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

What is wilderness therapy and why is it bad?

“Basically, wilderness therapy programmes are dangerous, unregulated money-machines. They advertise as therapeutic opportunities for ‘at-risk’ youth, offering to ‘challenge’ kids with ‘survival skills.

How much is the Anasazi program?

‘” This form of therapy can be expensive, with an admission fee of $895 and a daily rate of $395 for youth ages 12-17. Because Anasazi is a licensed and accredited level II behavioral healthcare provider, insurance may apply. Additionally, the program offers financial aid.

How much does aspiro cost?

around $30,000
It is marketed as a wilderness therapy program for troubled teenagers aged 13-17 with a history of “school failure, difficulty with interpersonal relationships, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and more.” The average length of stay is between 6-10 weeks, and the tuition is reported to be around $30,000.

Where is second nature based?

downtown Raleigh
Location. Our HQ is in downtown Raleigh with complimentary parking nearby.

How long is second nature program?

Second Nature is a 12-week behavioural change programme for people living with type 2 diabetes that’s primarily delivered through a smartphone or tablet app. Tracking technology (smart weighing scales and a wearable activity tracker).