How much does reference USA cost?

It’s free. About 85% of US public libraries subscribe to the database if you’re wondering where to find it.

How do I get access to reference USA?

You can access Reference USA by following these steps:

  1. Select A-Z Database List on the library homepage. under “Quick Links”
  2. Choose “R” from the alphabet.
  3. Find Reference USA on the list of databases available there.

What is reference USA now?

Reference Solutions
Business reference and research tool, Reference USA, and its parent organization, Info Group, have undergone a name change. Infogroup has announced that they’ve officially become Data Axle, and ReferenceUSA has become Reference Solutions.

Is reference USA free?

Access to ReferenceUSA’s databases is available for free at all Free Library of Philadelphia locations, as well as from home with your library card and pin number. For more information on how ReferenceUSA can help grow your small business, check out the Business Resource & Innovation Center at Parkway Central Library!

Is Mergent Online Free?

Mergent Online is a financial industry tool available to SNHU students for free.

What libraries have data axle?

Now, our product is widely available at places including the New York City Public Library, Yale University Library, and libraries of all sizes across the United States.

Does reference USA have email addresses?

ReferenceUSA also has email services available to our subscribers for an additional cost. These include having email addresses appended to your current database and creating and sending email campaigns.

How much does mergent cost?

Why students should know this database: Mergent Online is easy to use and navigate and features a “News” tab where students can easily find recent news headlines on companies, including historic news. Cost: The Mergent Online access fee costs $2,500 paid for annually by Libraries.

How do you access data axles?

  1. Go to your library’s website. Using your favorite search engine search for the name of your public library.
  2. Find the link for Data Axle Reference Solutions. On your library’s website, find the link for Data Axle Reference Solutions.
  3. Select the Data Axle Reference Solutions link.
  4. You Can Now Search the Databases.