How much does it cost to replace an AC expansion valve?

Usually, replacing your car’s A/C expansion valve will cost you around $150 to $350. The valve itself will set you back between $50 to $150 in most cases while the labor will run about $100 to $200, so it’s important to get a couple quotes first.

Why is my AC valve leaking?

The Schrader valve can become leaky when debris gets stuck in it, or when the rubber o-ring deteriorates. It used to be that to swap out the valve with a new one required removing all the existing refrigerant in the system (pumping it down) first.

What are the symptoms of a failing expansion valve?

AC Compressor Constantly Running Another common symptom of a bad expansion valve is that the AC compressor will constantly run. This can be caused by low refrigerant levels, which will put extra strain on the compressor, or by a leaking valve, which will not allow the refrigerant to enter the evaporator properly.

What causes an AC expansion valve to fail?

A TXV valve can fail if it’s too open and overfeeding or too closed (underfeeding). Contaminants from a dirty evaporator coil, oil, or moisture can cause the valve to get “sticky”. In addition, a blocked return air vent can cause a TXV valve to go bad.

How long does it take to replace an AC expansion valve?

Cost to Replace an Expansion Valve Yourself This project involves getting deep into the guts of your AC system, removing the valve with the proper tools, replacing it with the new one, and hooking everything back up. Even for a professional, it can take hours to do it right.

How do you unstick an expansion valve?

Place the bulb into hot water. This should cause the expansion valve to open allowing more refrigerant to pass through the TXV into the coil. Suction pressure should rise, and super heat should drop. Opening of the valve should be relatively quick.