How much does it cost to replace a rear axle?

On average, you can expect it to cost between $880 and $959 to replace your car axle shaft, depending on the type of car you drive and which axle is broken. However, it’s possible that you’ll just need to repair your axle rather than replace it.

How much is an axle for a Subaru?

Your car has multiple axle shafts, but in most cases, only one will need to be replaced….

Car 2015 Subaru OutbackH4-2.5L
Service Service typeAxle / CV Shaft Assembly – Driver Side Rear Replacement
Estimate Estimate$572.95
Shop/Dealer Price Shop/Dealer Price$698.34 – $1045.20

How long do Subaru axles last?

80,000 to 100,000 miles
A CV axle can typically be expected to last for 80,000 to 100,000 miles under normal driving conditions.

Can you drive with a broken rear axle?

If one of your axles is broken, do not drive the car. It’s not safe. If you notice a bumping, clicking or grinding noise when going into turns, your axle isn’t broken yet, but it’s only a matter of time. It’s most likely a failing CV joint.

Is a car totaled if the axle is bent?

If the crash results in a broken axle, dented or tweaked pillar (the parts that “hold up” the roof, including the front windshield frame, the part between your front and rear doors, and the rear roofline), or extensive damage to the drivetrain or under-hood components, you could be looking at a total loss.

How much does it cost to replace a CV boot on a Subaru?

The Best in Auto Repair The average cost for CV boot replacement is between $298 and $343. Labor costs are estimated between $174 and $219 while parts are priced at $124. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific vehicle or unique location.

Does a Subaru Outback have CV joints?

If you’re hearing a sharp clicking noise during sharp turns, your Subaru Outback may need a new CV axle.

Why is my axle clicking?

The bearings inside axle boots and cv joint boots give the axle flexibility when it comes to movement and turning. If dirt and debris manage to sneak inside or components like grease manage to escape, the bearings can bind up, creating a clicking sound from a lack of smooth functioning.

What does a bad CV axle do?

If your CV axle is damaged, it will often make a clicking sound as you turn the vehicle. It’s a pretty distinctive noise, both in its volume and in how often it occurs. The click will most likely be loud, and it will generally only happen when you’re turning the vehicle.