How much does it cost to join 11 99 Foundation?

Join our $11.99 Monthly Giving Program today! Choose your monthly giving level, set up your recurring donation, & receive 11-99 thank you gift(s).

Are license plate frames worth it?

License plates bend quite easily, and they can rust and bounce around during high-speed travel. A good license plate frame can help prevent these annoyances. These frames have some practicality and can feature lights or even rubber guards to protect your vehicle in urban environments.

How do I get my 11 99 Foundation plate?

To place an order, please fill out this form and email it back to [email protected], or call 714.529. 1199 to place your order.

Why is it called the 11-99 Foundation?

The California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation was established in 1982 by philanthropist, Bob Weinberg, to provide emergency benefits and assistance to CHP employees and their families. “11-99” is the radio code used by CHP officers and dispatchers, meaning “Officer needs assistance”.

What is an 11-99 member?

What is “11-99”? California Highway Patrol dispatchers and officers use the radio code “11-99” to communicate, “officer needs assistance.”

What is the 1099 foundation?

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) 11-99 Foundation was established in 1982 by philanthropist, Bob Weinberg, to provide emergency benefits and assistance to CHP employees and their families and scholarships to their children.

What is the 911 Foundation?

To raise funds for college scholarships of active fire, police, and EMS families and to support various police, fire, and EMS departments that serve and protect us each day. ( Americas 911 Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2003, and donations are tax-deductible.

What does the code 11 99 mean?

officer needs assistance
California Highway Patrol dispatchers and officers use the radio code “11-99” to communicate, “officer needs assistance.”

How do you become a member of 11 99?

Join Our Lifetime Membership Become a lifetime member by Applying Online and paying the one-time fee, or if paying by check, please download and complete the Membership Application Form. Once you’re approved into our membership, you are a member for life.