How much does it cost to charge trident of the swamp?

Charging the trident requires level 75 Magic. Each cast requires 1 death rune, 1 chaos rune, 5 fire runes and 1 Zulrah’s scale, costing 524 per cast, and 1,310,000 coins to fully charge it. Any remaining charges within the trident can be removed at anytime to recover the runes.

How do you get the trident of the swamp E?

An enhanced toxic weapon from the deep. The trident of the swamp (e) is a trident-class magic weapon that requires 75 Magic to wield. It is an enhanced version of the regular trident of the swamp obtained by giving Lieve McCracken 10 kraken tentacles, costing 4,712,040.

How much should I fill toxic Trident?

To fully charge an enhanced toxic trident, it would cost 9,660,000. Requiring one Death Rune, one Chaos Rune, 5 Fire runes and a Zulrah Scale per charge.

What happens if you Uncharge Trident?

Players can give an uncharged trident and 10 kraken tentacles to Lieve McCracken to create an enhanced trident of the seas, which holds 20,000 charges instead of 2,500. Players with level 59 Crafting can attach a magic fang to the trident using a chisel, creating a trident of the swamp.

Do you lose Trident charges on death?

Any remaining charges within the trident can be removed at anytime to recover the runes; however, the coins will not be refunded. If a player dies with the trident, only the uncharged trident will appear on the floor (if it’s not protected on death).

Can you dismantle trident of the swamp?

The trident of the swamp (or uncharged toxic trident when uncharged) is a powered staff requiring 78 Magic to wield. It is made by using a magic fang on an uncharged trident of the seas with a chisel, requiring 59 Crafting to do so. This process is reversible.

Does Trident give less XP Osrs?

Other spells only give 2 magic xp per damage because they have a base xp, which trident doesn’t have. And other combat styles always give 4 xp per damage.

How do you get God cape back Osrs?

God capes offer the second highest Magic Attack bonus of any cape, outclassed only by their imbued variants. God capes require a Magic level of 60 to wear. Once lost, a player can get a new cape by once again praying at the statue without needing to fight Kolodion again.