How much does ETH Zurich cost for international students?

At ETH Zurich, current fees for all bachelor’s, master’s and diploma courses currently stand at CHF 730 per semester (~US$760). There are two semesters per year, and students at ETH Zurich also need to pay a compulsory semester fee of CHF 69, meaning that your total fees per year will be CHF 1,598 (~US$1670).

How much does it cost to apply to ETH Zurich?

We charge an application fee of CHF 150 per degree programme applied for. Please understand that this fee is not refundable. This fee must be paid by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or PostFinance card when you submit your online application.

Does ETH Zurich offer scholarships?

ETH Zurich University announced 60 fully-funded Swiss Excellence and ETH Zurich Scholarships for international students for the 2022 academic year. So it is time to submit your complete applications for the fully funded ETH Zurich Scholarships 2022-2023.

Is tuition free in Switzerland?

Well, technically, no, there aren’t any universities in Switzerland that are entirely free of cost. This is not only the case with international students, but there are also no free programs for nationals.

Is ETH Zurich hard to get into?

Is ETH Zurich hard to get into? Yes, ETH Zurich has a good amount of competition for the admissions every year. The acceptance rate is 27%. It is a little hard to get into just like any of the other top universities of the world.

Is ETH Zurich better than Cambridge?

Zurich’s ETH technical institute has further consolidated its place as one of the world’s best universities by leapfrogging the UK’s Cambridge University to take sixth place in the latest QS Quacquarelli Symonds global rankings for 2020.

Is ETH Zurich difficult?

Does ETH Zurich offer financial aid for international students?

ETH Zurich Scholarship 2022-2023 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is only offered for masters studies. This scholarship provides a grant covering living and study expenses (CHF 11,000 per semester) as well as a tuition fee waiver.

How do I apply for ETH Zurich scholarship?

Main content

  1. Application. ESOP applications are supplied via eApply (online Master application).
  2. Eligibility/Prerequisites. Very good result in Bachelor’s degree programme (top 10% of Bachelor’s degree programme = grade A)
  3. Application window.
  4. Application documents.
  5. Scholarship amount and duration.
  6. Selection process.

Is Zurich expensive for students?

Cost of living in Zurich is generally high Zurich is one of the most expensive cities in the world, so if you’re coming to study here, be prepared to shell out quite a bit of cash. Tuitions of universities are expensive and so is the public transportation system.

Is Switzerland expensive to study?

Switzerland might be an expensive country to live in, but tuition fees in Switzerland are quite reasonable, especially if you plan to study at a public Swiss university. The fees for higher education institutions in Switzerland depend on your citizen status, the university, the level of studies and the discipline.

Can I get into ETH Zurich with low GPA?

GPA: ETH Zurich does not impose a minimum GPA, but excellent grades in the Bachelor’s degree are expected.