How much does CCNA add to salary?
How much does CCNA add to salary?
What is the average CCNA salary? The average salary for CCNA certification is $79,000 (as of May 2021), according to PayScale; this is nearly 30% higher than the average salary in the United States.
How much does a CCNA Engineer earn?
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Jobs by Salary
Job Title | Range | Average |
Job Title:Network Engineer | Range:$55k – $109k | Average:$77,538 |
Sr. Network Engineer | Range:$79k – $140k | Average:$104,462 |
Network Administrator | Range:$44k – $89k | Average:$64,893 |
Information Technology (IT) Manager | Range:$56k – $128k | Average:$86,705 |
How valuable is CCNA?
The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification validates a user’s knowledge and skills in network administration. This degree typically earns individuals $80,000 per year in salary.
How much money can you make with a Cisco certification?
CCNA Salary
Annual Salary | Hourly Wage | |
Top Earners | $125,000 | $60 |
75th Percentile | $100,500 | $48 |
Average | $84,376 | $41 |
25th Percentile | $61,000 | $29 |
Which CCNA is in demand?
CCIE is highest level of Cisco Certification and one of the most demanded IT Certification in world.
Is CCNA respected?
The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) is a globally recognized and well-respected credential. The CCNA certifies that the holder has verified knowledge and skills in network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.
What is the salary for CCNA certified fresher?
The average ccna salary in India is ₹ 600,000 per year or ₹ 308 per hour. Entry-level positions start at ₹ 400,000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to ₹ 2,097,000 per year.
How much does a CCNA make in Canada?
How much does a CCNA in Canada make? The national average salary for a CCNA is $35,000 per year in Canada.