How Much Does Brazil export?

According to the latest available data from WTO, in 2020, Brazil imported USD 166 billion and exported USD 209 billion in goods, while in services the country imported USD 47 billion and exported USD 27 billion.

Is Brazil a net exporter?

In 2020, Brazil exported a total of $214B, making it the number 25 exporter in the world.

How much of Brazil’s GDP is exports?

Brazil exports of goods and services as percentage of GDP is 14.11% and imports of goods and services as percentage of GDP is 14.35%.

What is Brazil’s main export?

In 2019, Brazil most exported products were soybean and crude oil or bituminous mineral oils, reaching an export value of 26.1 billion U.S. dollars and 24.2 billion dollars, respectively. Iron ore and its concentrates was Brazil third most exported product, with 22.7 billion U.S. dollars worth of exports.

What is Brazil’s trade balance?

Balance of Trade in Brazil averaged 927.29 USD Million from 1959 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 10399.45 USD Million in June of 2021 and a record low of -4496.46 USD Million in January of 2014.

What is net export?

Net exports are a measure of a nation’s total trade. The formula for net exports is a simple one: The value of a nation’s total export goods and services minus the value of all the goods and services it imports equal its net exports.

Why is Brazil GDP so high?

Brazil has grown to become one of the largest economies in the world. Still, Brazilian citizens rank quite low in income per capita. In recent decades, a rise in the service economy, foreign investment, and exports have helped grow Brazil’s GDP.

Is Brazil an export economy?

Brazil is currently ranked as the 21st largest export economy in the world and soybeans currently rank as the top export product with $19 billion, representing 10.4% of the total exports of the country.

What is Brazil’s largest export partner?

Also shown is each import country’s percentage of total Brazilian exports.

  • China: US$87.9 billion (31.3% of total Brazilian exports)
  • United States: $31.3 billion (11.2%)
  • Argentina: $11.9 billion (4.2%)
  • Netherlands: $9.3 billion (3.3%)
  • Chile: $7 billion (2.5%)
  • Singapore: $5.8 billion (2.1%)
  • South Korea: $5.7 billion (2%)

What is the main product of Brazil?

Major agricultural products are coffee, sugar, soybeans, manioc, rice, maize, cotton, edible beans and wheat. Brazil produces about 20 billion litres of milk per annum and is the sixth or seventh largest world producer.

Who is Brazil’s biggest trading partner?

Brazil top 5 Export and Import partners

Market Trade (US$ Mil) Partner share(%)
China 63,358 28.11
United States 29,860 13.25
Netherlands 10,126 4.49
Argentina 9,791 4.34