How much does a tensile structure cost?

How much does a tension structure cost? Today’s prices for engineered fabric tension structures are in the neighborhood of $120 per square foot, although prices have ranged from $60/sqft to $400/sqft.

What materials are used to build a tension structure?

There are currently four types of fabrics that are used today for tensile fabric structures:

  • PVC Coated Polyester Fabric.
  • PTFE Coated Glass Fabric (permanent structures only)
  • ETFE Foils (permanent structures only)
  • PVC Glass Fabrics.

How do you create a tensile structure?


  1. Determine the basic shape of the structure you want to design i.e. Cone, Barrel Vault, Folded Plate, Hyperbolic Paraboloid (Saddle shape – “Hy-Par” for short), a combination of these, or something different.
  2. Determine the boundary conditions.

What is a tension frame roof?

Tension fabric buildings are constructed using a rigid frame—which can consist of timber, steel, rigid plastic, or aluminum—and a sturdy fabric outer membrane. Once the frame is erected, the fabric cover is stretched over the frame. The fabric cover is tensioned to provide the stable structural support of the building.

How much do clear span buildings cost?

ClearSpan HD Buildings start at 25′ Wide and cost as little as $2.99 dollars per square foot. End panels and accessories are also available, but are sold separately.

What is tensile roof?

Tensile structure is the term usually used to refer to the construction of roofs using a membrane held in place on steel cables. Their main characteristics are the way in which they work under stress tensile, their ease of pre-fabrication, their ability to cover large spans, and their malleability.

What types of structural systems are used to support tensile structures?

Most tensile structures are supported by some form of compression or bending elements, such as masts (as in The O2, formerly the Millennium Dome), compression rings or beams. A tensile membrane structure is most often used as a roof, as they can economically and attractively span large distances.

How does a tensile structure work?

Conventional structures tend to be stabilised by the action of gravity on their mass holding them in compression. A tensile structure is a structure that is stabilised by tension rather than compression. For example, a piece of fabric pulled in opposite directions.

What are the advantages of tensile structures?

The minimum number of supports means that tensile structures can cover expansive areas. Tensile fabric structures are lightweight compared to other types of construction, but also extremely strong. They are designed to withstand even the most severe weather conditions, providing protection from both the rain and sun.

Where are tensile structures used?

A tensile membrane structure is most often used as a roof, as they can economically and attractively span large distances. Tensile membrane structures may also be used as complete buildings, with a few common applications being sports facilities, warehousing and storage buildings, and exhibition venues.

Do I have trusses or rafters?

One of the main differences between truss roofs vs. rafters is the fact that trusses are prefabricated wooden structures while rafters are usually built on-site. For trusses, the triangular webbing of structural pieces not only provide support for the roof, but they also tie the outside walls of the home together.

Does every rafter need a rafter tie?

Rafter ties are always required unless the roof has a structural (self-supporting) ridge, or is built using engineered trusses. A lack of rafter ties is a serious structural issue in a conventionally framed roof. In most homes, the ceiling joists also serve as the rafter ties.