How much does a Silva Cell cost?
How much does a Silva Cell cost?
$14 – $18 per cubic foot
According to bid tabulations from projects across North America, Silva Cell projects generally cost from $14 – $18 per cubic foot installed (that estimate includes everything except the base course, the final paving and the tree itself).
What is structural soil used for?
CU-Structural Soil® was designed to be used where soil compaction is required, such as under sidewalks, parking lots, medians, plazas, and low-access roads.
How do Bioretention cells work?
Bioretention cells utilize the engineered soil media to remove contaminates in runoff water. The soil media is generated by a mixture of sand, compost, and existing soil. The engineered soil provides favorable growing conditions for vegetation and also allows runoff to filter at a quicker rate than standard soil mixes.
What is a soil cell?
Soil cells, also known as Silva Cells, are typically enclosed at the top and bottom, and most have a top or deck that concurrently acts as a roof to the soil enclosure and as a base for placing aggregates, casting concrete, or placing other hard surface materials on top of the soil cells.
How do you make structural soil?
The soil needed to make structural soil should be loam to clay loam containing at least 20% clay to maximize water and nutrient holding capacity. The proportion of soil to stone is approximately 80% stone to 20% soil by dry weight, with a small amount of hydrogel aiding in the uniform blending of the two materials.
What is sand based structural soil?
Sand based Structural Soil, consisted of four parts medium (concrete) sand, one-part topsoil loam, and 1.5 parts mature compost and compacted to 94-96% Proctor.
What is the difference between bioretention and Bioswale?
Bioswales, which are wet or dry swales made out of grass, rocks, and other types of vegetation, must be sloped to move water through the system in an efficient manner. Bioretention ponds are depressed vegetated areas that capture and store stormwater runoff and can work in combination with bioswales.
How many inches of hardwood mulch should be maintained in a bioretention cell?
The more a bioretention cell is treated as a garden, the more apt it is to be attractive and flourish. After the cell has been planted, a 2- to 4-inch thick layer of hardwood (not pine) mulch should cover the entire cell.
What are soil cells used for?
Modular soil support systems (also referred to as “soil cells”) consist of plastic or concrete structures, available in a variety of shapes and sizes, that provide structural support for the overlying pavement while providing uncompacted planting soil within the tree root zone.
What is soil vault?
Structural soil vaults, or root cells, are modular units that assemble to form a skeletal matrix, situated below pavement level, to support the pavement load while providing a large volume of uncompacted soil within the matrix structure for root growth.
What are silva cells?
The Silva Cell is a patented modular suspended pavement system that holds unlimited amounts of lightly compacted soil while supporting traffic loads beneath paving. That soil serves two important functions: growing large trees and treating stormwater on-site.