How much does a PEQ-15 cost?

Our Price: $1,265.00 The AN/PEQ-15 Advanced Target Pointer/ Illuminator/ Aiming Light (ATPIAL) P/N ATP-000-A18 is designed to be used with (or without) night vision devices to engage enemy targets at night.

Can you buy PEQ-15?

The ATPIAL (AN/PEQ-15) is the standard issue weapon-mounted laser unit for U.S. Warfighters. IR Lasers are restricted to Law Enforcement and Government sales only and cannot be sold to civilians. Purchase of IR Laser equipment can only occur at the Department, Agency, or Unit level.

What does PEQ-15 mean?

AN/PEQ-15 Laser Device The AN/PEQ-15, also known as the Advanced Target Pointer Illuminator Aiming Light (ATPIAL) is a laser aiming / illumination device that is typically mounted on personal weapons such as M4a1 carbines.

Does the PEQ-15 have a green laser?

Armybase Black FMA PEQ-15 Green Dot Laser with White LED Flashlight and IR Illuminator.

Can NVG see IR?

Infrared radiation is invisible to the human eye, but to night vision devices, an IR illuminator functions like a flashlight. All night vision devices require at least a small amount of ambient or infrared light to work.

Can a civilian own a Peq?

Introducing the ATPIAL-C. Forged for the Warrior, Honed in the Crucible of Combat, and Proven by Heroes, the legendary AN/PEQ-15 is now available in a civilian-legal package as the ATPIAL-C.

What does Peq stand for?


Acronym Definition
PEQ Program Editor Print Queue File
PEQ Parametric Equalizer
PEQ Pre-Engagement Questionnaire (technology)
PEQ Partners for Environmental Quality (New Jersey)

What class laser is a PEQ 15?

Visible Laser Class: IIIR Red. Visible Laser Output: 4.6 mW.

What is the civilian version of the PEQ 15?

The ATPIAL-C is a civilian version of the U.S. Army’s AN/PEQ-15. Designed to the same rigorous standards as its military counterpart, the ATPIAL emits lower powered lasers. Because the ATPIAL-C shares the same housing as the AN/PEQ-15 it will house the same parts, accessories, and other parts.

Can a civilian own a Class 3 laser?

However, this class of lasers can be purchased second hand and there is not a restriction to civilian ownership or possession. For those wanting to possess a Class 3 laser they should be aware that not all, but many Class 3 lasers on the market have been obtained illegally and it is illegal to possess stolen property.